
WSNA News December 2022

In this issue:

  • It’s time to do the Contract Pre-Negotiations Survey
  • WSNA “Sip and Chat” Thursdays 8-9 p.m.
  • Welcome Appointed Local Unit Officers
  • Local Unit Reps
  • ADOs

It’s time to do the Contract Pre-Negotiations Survey

The current contract between WSNA and Good Samaritan expires March. 31, 2023. This survey is a vital step in our preparation for contract negotiations. Your input is critical in determining nurses’ priorities as we head to the bargaining table. We cannot consider your issues and concerns unless we hear from you. All responses are confidential. Deadline is December 30, 2022.

If you are interested in serving on the bargaining team, please indicate so at the end of the survey.

WSNA “Sip and Chat” Thursdays 8-9 p.m.

Join your WSNA Nurse Representative and local unit leaders so we can hear your questions and concerns.

Topics can be anything from staffing to contract negotiations preparation to whatever is on your mind.

Meetings will be virtual on Teams. Contact one of the officers or the Nurse Rep for the meeting link.

Welcome Appointed Local Unit Officers

Your local unit officers appointed Jared Richardson to fill the Local Unit Co-Chairperson position. Jared works dayshift in the Medical Palliative unit. His focus will be on New Hires/Membership. A few months back, we also appointed Raeli Korzeniecki to fill the Local Unit Secretary position. Raeli works nightshift in the FBC Labor & Delivery unit.

Following contract negotiations every three years, there will be an official Nominations and Election process for all local unit officers.

Local Unit Reps

Thanks to the local unit reps and staffing committee leaders who were able to attend union training in September. Unit Reps will serve as our Contract Action Team once negotiations begin and will help with the communications between our members and negotiations team. More to come on that. We are still in need of more unit reps.

  • These units do not have reps: Post Surgical/Ortho, IV Therapy, O.R.
  • These units could use more reps: Rehab, Observation, Med Onc, and Wound Care Clinic.

There’s never “too many” so please feel free to step up from any unit. Contact any of your officers or WSNA Nurse Rep. MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital - WSNA


Your ADOs (Assignment Despite Objection Staffing Complaint Forms) have been extremely helpful in telling the story of what’s happening in your units related to unsafe staffing, equipment and systems issues, missed breaks, lack of support staff, charge nurses or management taking patient assignments, inappropriate floats and more. You submitted 82 ADO in October; 114 ADOs in November; and already 60 ADOs in December. Hospital administration, management and WSNA are seeing this and taking note. Continue to let your voices be heard.

Be sure to speak up right away to your charge nurse, manager or supervisor when you identify an issue.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart, BSN, RN at JStewart@wsna.org.