
Advocacy toolkit

Get involved and make your voice heard! There are many ways that you can take action and advocate for the issues that are important to you. Please see below for actions you can take.

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Join the WSNA Political Action Committee (WSNA PAC) and help invest in growing the voice of nurses in Olympia. WSNA PAC is focused on supporting people running for state legislative office who support nurses and to help support nurses who want to run for legislative office themselves.

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Legislator voting records

WSNA's legislator voting records are developed based on the priority bills we supported during a given year's Washington state legislative session. Not all WSNA priority bills are always voted on in both chambers, which is why the list of bills tracked on the report may differ from Senate to House. As the voting records indicate, most nursing issues have bipartisan support in Olympia.

To see how legislators voted on other labor priorities during the 2024 session, check out the Washington State Labor Council’s voting record (PDF).

How WSNA develops the legislative agenda

Leg chart

Not every idea is created equal. There are several questions that the Legislative & Health Policy Council must consider before deciding to adopt an idea as a legislative priority for an upcoming session. Read more...

Look up bill information on the legislature’s website

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Introduction to Legislative Advocacy

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