
WSNA Updates

Save the Date: Wednesday, January 4, for an Informational Picket at TG

Let’s show unity with Tacoma General nurses going through difficult contract negotiations.

With our contract negotiations just around the corner, NOW’s the time to get involved.

Picket times will be from 0600-0900 and from 1100-1330. More information to come.

WSNA “Sip and Chat” Thursdays 8-9 p.m.

Join your WSNA Nurse Representative and local unit leaders so we can hear your questions and concerns.

Topics can be anything from staffing to contract negotiations preparation to whatever is on your mind.

Meetings will be virtual on Teams.

It’s time to do the Contract Pre-Negotiations Survey

The current contract between WSNA and Good Samaritan expires March. 31, 2023. This survey is a vital step in our preparation for contract negotiations. Your input is critical in determining nurses’ priorities as we head to the bargaining table. We cannot consider your issues and concerns unless we hear from you. All responses are confidential. Deadline is December 30, 2022.

If you are interested in serving on the bargaining team, please indicate so at the end of the survey.

Thank you,

Your WSNA local unit officers:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Raeli Korzeniecki, Aaron Bradley, Dawn Morrell and Anne Landen

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart, BSN, RN at JStewart@wsna.org.