
Standardized Vacation Scheduling Process

The WSNA Good Samaritan officers met with Nursing Leadership during our monthly Conference Committee Meeting.

The goal was to standardize the Vacation Scheduling Process for nurses so nurses know when to request time off.

This is an optional process designed for inpatient nursing units. Inpatient units will be using this model (unless your unit has decided to keep its former process in place). Talk to your manager to find out the process for your unit so you don’t miss the 6 month vacation window. After the seniority based window closes, approvals will be based on submission date and availability of sufficient PTO.

For Seniority based Vacations:

For Vacation Periods ¦ Submission Window ¦ Decision Date

May 15 – January 15 ¦ January 1-15 ¦ January 31

January 15 - May 15 ¦ October 1-15 ¦ October 31

For questions or concerns, please contact your WSNA Nurse Rep or one of your local unit officers.

Thank you,

Your WSNA local unit officers:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Raeli Korzeniecki, Aaron Bradley, Dawn Morrell and Anne Landen

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart, BSN, RN at JStewart@wsna.org.