
Contract Negotiations Update

Happy New Year!

We are beginning this year preparing for contract negotiations. Our 3 year contract expires March 31, 2023. Thanks to those who shared your thoughts and priorities in the Pre-Negotiations survey. The newly selected bargaining team will review your responses and work with the WSNA Nurse Rep and WSNA Attorney/Negotiator to work to get a new and improved contract for you.

Management needs to know that they are not just negotiating with the nurses at the table but that this is about all of us. Watch for updates on how you can support bargaining efforts. Our first bargaining session will be February 1.

In Solidarity, Your 2023 Bargaining Team
Mindy Thornton, WSNA Chair – ED
Anne Landen, WSNA Grievance Officer – ED
Aaron Bradley, WSNA Treasurer – Med/Pall
Jared Richardson, WSNA Co-Chair – Med/Pall
Raeli Korzeniecki, WSNA Secretary – FBC
Dawn Morrell, WSNA Grievance Officer – Cath Lab/Cardio IR
Atalia Lapkin, Unit Rep – MS ICU
Erin Butler, Unit Rep – PCU
Ashley Eubank, Unit Rep – CCU/CVICU
Eren Dao, Unit Rep – Peri Op/GI/Special Procedures

WSNA “Sip and Chat” continues Thursdays 8-9 p.m.

Join your WSNA Nurse Representative and local unit leaders so we can hear your questions and concerns.

Topics can be anything from staffing to contract negotiations preparation to whatever is on your mind.

Meetings will be virtual on Teams.

Local Unit Reps

We’re still in the process of recruiting more Unit Reps. Training will be available. For those already on board, information will be coming soon as to what your role will be during Negotiations.

Our WSNA T-Shirts will be arriving soon. We will need your assistance delivering shirts to your unit; updating your unit bulletin board; keeping the nurses on your unit updated; and more.

Our WSNA Organizer assisting with the unit reps is Crystal Doll CDoll@wsna.org

Scholarships for 2023 WSNA Convention May 17-19 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center

Your WSNA Officers will offer ten financial scholarships for nurses to attend the 2023 WSNA Convention. It will be first come, first served Please get in touch with jstewart@wsna.org if you are interested. For more details visit https://www.wanursecon.org/.

Thank you,

Your WSNA local unit officers:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Raeli Korzeniecki, Aaron Bradley, Dawn Morrell and Anne Landen

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart, BSN, RN at JStewart@wsna.org or (206) 735-6484 (mobile).