
Newsletter January 2023

In this issue:

  • WSNA shirts are here!
  • Proudly introducing our WSNA negotiating team/Upcoming Bargaining Dates:
  • WSNA Cafeteria Time
  • Scholarships for 2023 Washington State Nurses Convention May 17-19 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center

WSNA shirts are here!

Our first day of contract negotiations is February 1, and we need EVERYONE wearing your WSNA shirts to show our solidarity! Wear your shirt on “Blue Fridays” and bargaining days, and sticker up with an “I Support My Bargaining Team” sticker that will be distributed in the coming days.

We are working with WSNA Unit Reps to get the shirts delivered to you. Please order your shirt ASAP so we can reserve one for you. Use this link to order: https://forms.office.com/r/cvr3xqKQ4f.

Proudly introducing our WSNA negotiating team

It’s contract negotiations time and we have a strong team representing us at the table. Our team met several times already to begin preparing for negotiations with our WSNA Nurse Rep Janet Stewart. We utilized these sessions to review our survey results and identify priorities, establish ground rules, and go through the contract line-by-line to establish problematic areas.

Our team is excited to be working with Pamela Chandran, WSNA Labor Counsel for this upcoming negotiation. She joins our team, bringing much experience fighting for fair contracts. Pamela and Janet have been training the negotiating team and drafting proposals that address nurse and patient concerns.

If you see one of our team members, say hello and thank them for stepping up to the challenge! Please ask them how you can do your part in strengthening our contract as we head into negotiations. We are stronger together.

Upcoming Bargaining Dates:

Wednesday, February 1 
Thursday, February 16 
Thursday, February 23 
Thursday, March 9

In Solidarity, Your 2023 Bargaining Team
Mindy Thornton, WSNA Chair – ED
Anne Landen, WSNA Grievance Officer – ED
Aaron Bradley, WSNA Treasurer – Med/Pall
Jared Richardson, WSNA Co-Chair – Med/Pall
Raeli Korzeniecki, WSNA Secretary – FBC
Dawn Morrell, WSNA Grievance Officer – Cath Lab/Cardio IR
Atalia Lapkin, Unit Rep – MS ICU
Erin Butler, Unit Rep – PCU
Ashley Eubank, Unit Rep – CCU/CVICU
Eren Dao, Unit Rep – Peri Op/GI/Special Procedures


WSNA Cafeteria Time

Drop by and chat with your WSNA Nurse Representative, Organizer, and Unit Reps during Cafeteria Time. We’ll bring some T-shirts, stickers and WSNA swag. If you do stop by, please make sure you are on break time, not work time.

First drop-in session: Tuesday January 24 from noon-4 p.m. in the Cafeteria.

Second drop-in session: Tuesday January 24 from 5-9 p.m. in the 2 River Conference Area (former Starbucks).

Third drop-in session: Thursday January 26 from 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria.

We will not be holding Virtual Sip and Chat Thursday January 26, but will resume the following week on February 2.

Scholarships for 2023 Washington State Nurses Convention, May 17-19 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center

Financial scholarships for nurses to attend the 2023 Washington State Nurses Convention are still available. It will be first come, first served Please get in touch with jstewart@wsna.org if you are interested. Early bird special rate ends January 27. For more details visit https://www.wanursecon.org/.

Questions/Comments, please contact:
Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative Jstewart@wsna.org (206) 735-6484
Grace LaMonte, WSNA Project Organizer glamonte@wsna.org (206) 553-9794