
Wage increase for 2022

Great news for Good Samaritan nurses! MultiCare management recognizes it is important to keep your wages competitive with other area hospitals. Contractually you are due for a 3.5% wage increase April 2, 2022. Instead of waiting until April, MultiCare will be instituting the 3.5% wage increase early beginning the pay period of Jan. 2, 2022, to appear on your Jan. 21, 2022 paycheck.

What happens in April 2022? You will receive a 5.7-5.8 % increase effective April 10, which will appear in your April 29, 2022 paycheck. A new wage scale will be provided once available.

After that, we will go into contract negotiations in early 2023 for a new 2023-2025 contract.

Find your current contract at the top of this page.

Happy Holidays from your WSNA Nurse Representative and Local Unit Officers.

Janet Stewart, Nurse Representative
Cheryll Howe, Melinda Thornton, Stephenie Troftgruben, Aaron Bradley, Dawn Morrell and Anne Landen