
WSNA news - January 2022

Wages and paychecks

It is disturbing to hear about your paycheck issues while Kronos is down. Please continue to follow the employers instructions regarding paycheck issues.

Work with your managers. Email urgent questions about Kronos timekeeping or payroll to payrollquestions@multicare.org.

Certainly it is the employer’s responsibility to pay you the wages you have earned. As individuals, you can file a Workplace Rights Complaint with the Department of Labor and Industries. WSNA can not file for you. WSNA cannot predict how effective your complaints will be; but if a large number of complaints come from one facility, it will certainly be noticed.

According to the WA State Labor & Industries https://lni.wa.gov/

  • Employers must pay employees for all work performed. Employers must pay employees an agreed-upon wage on a regular, scheduled payday.
  • Employees who do not receive all wages due for work performed may file a Workplace Rights Complaint.

To File a Workplace Rights Complaint: https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/

Additionally, WSNA is filing a Group Grievance against MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital. A group grievance will cover all nurses affected by articles 8 Compensation; Article 9 Premium Pay; and Article 10.4 Premium Pay for Holiday Work. The grievance process may not be a quick process, but it lets the employer know we are working to hold them accountable to paying you what you have earned.

Medication/Controlled Substance Policy – Stay out of trouble!

The Drug Enforcement Agency has mandated that pharmacy account for all controlled substances. A computerized pharmacy program watches controlled substances usage and flags certain activities. If you are flagged, your manager will be assigned to monitor your activity for a period of time. Next you will be called to meet with HR, pharmacy staff, and your manager to explain your unusual activities. Please be sure to ask for your union representative, and do not proceed without them. In addition, you may be asked to submit a drug screen. You will be asked if you are abusing or diverting narcotics. You may receive discipline which could range from PG1 to discharge. Please follow MultiCare Policy & Procedure: MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION, ACUTE CARE to avoid this very uncomfortable situation. You work extremely hard taking care of patients; please be careful to avoid being called out and interrogated over lapses in documentation.

Things which may cause you to be flagged:

  • Higher administering of controlled substance than your co-workers taking care of similar patients.
  • Failure to waste controlled substances in a timely manner. **Do this as soon as you can.
  • Failure to return controlled substances that were not administered in a timely manner. **Do not keep it in your pocket- return it right away.
  • Failure to return or waste controlled substances.
  • Multiple uses of a controlled substance vial that is intended for one-time dosage.
  • Signing out controlled substance medications and drips too early and then scanning them in later when you actually need them.
  • Not following the MD orders. For example, Oxycodone for pain level 1-5. Dilaudid for pain level 6-10. Pain is 5, but patient wants dilaudid as it’s been more effective. You must follow the order. Do not go outside your scope of practice. **If the order doesn’t make sense for the patient, then ask for a new order.
  • Failure to chart pre and post pain assessment scores will be looked at; be sure to document them.

If you accidentally toss a medication in the waste bin before scanning, document this. You may have to explain it later.

If you have to waste a medication rather than return it because you’re in an Isolation Room, you still need a witness to verify this. Write a brief note as to why it was wasted and not returned.

Best practice is NOT to sign out medications that another nurse will be administering. Do this only in urgent cases and be sure to co-sign. If a nurse or student does not have Pyxis access, it is NOT okay for you to sign out their medications. Contact your charge nurse, manager or supervisor.

All controlled substances removed need to be accounted for. Documentation will be in Pyxis. If unable to document in Pyxis, document on the eMAR. If unable to document in the eMAR, document in the electronic progress note.

For healthcare workers with substance abuse problems, you can seek help with the WHPS Program, who will work with you to protect your license, while getting the help you need. Washington Health Professional Services :: Washington State Department of Health.

WSNA Membership

It shall be a condition of employment that all employees covered by the WSNA Collective Bargaining Agreement who are hired after April 7, 2004, shall, by the thirtieth (30th) day following the beginning of such employment, become and remain members in good standing in the Association or agree to pay the Association a fair share/representation fee. Employees who fail to comply with this requirement shall be discharged by the Employer within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice to the Employer from the Association, unless the employee fulfills the membership obligations set forth in this Agreement.

If you have not filled out a WSNA Membership Form, please do so now so you are no longer out of Compliance. Feel free to speak to your WSNA Officers or WSNA Nurse Rep or Unit Reps.

Membership Application: https://www.wsna.org/membership/application/union

Your WSNA Officers: https://www.wsna.org/union/good-samaritan-hospital

Janet Stewart, RN, BSN Nurse Representative JStewart@wsna.org (206) 735-6484 (mobile)