
December news

International nurse grievance reminder: Last day to submit for an equity review is Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021

Historically, nurses hired at MultiCare with international nursing experience are only credited 1 year on the pay scale for every 2 years of experience (2:1); while nurses from the USA and Canada receive full credit (1:1) for their past nursing experience. As of May 2021, MultiCare has changed its practice and is now crediting qualifying international experience as 1:1.

If you are an international nurse who has listed relevant international experience of 1 or more years on your application to MultiCare, and didn’t receive full credit, you may request an Internal Equity Review. Note, if you did NOT list your relevant international experience on your application, then this does not apply to you.

It is the responsibility of the employee to submit a request for an equity review with the Employee Resource Center, and that this request must be made within the 30-day timeframe between Nov. 8, 2021 to Dec. 7, 2021. Results of the equity review will be completed within 3 months of receipt of your request. HP will notify you with results of the review. Any resultant change in rate of pay would be on a go-forward basis; meaning backpay was not offered in this settlement.

Questions, contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart jstewart@wsna.org.

WSNA Nurses Unite for Safe Staffing event Nov. 30

It was great seeing the large number of Good Samaritan Nurses RSVP for this event. We hope you attended and were inspired. We heard from nurses around the state with similar staffing issues as us. We were given support and encouragement from WSNA leadership, leaders of our National Union AFT, and from leaders of the WSLC (Washington State Labor Council}.

We need more than a quick fix – we need action to ensure safe staffing now and in the future.

WSNA is working in coalition with our union partners (SEIU-1199, UFCW-21) to get real solutions to staffing issues, including a bill that will be introduced in the 2022 legislative session to establish minimum safe staffing standards (ratios). Watch for more information in the coming weeks about this Campaign for Safe Staffing.

What can nurses do now?

  • You can submit your staffing story. We have a short online form, which makes it easy for you to share your story in text and even take a video and upload from your phone! Go to https://form.jotform.com/212445388065156 to add your voice.
  • We are seeking nurses willing to be a Media Spokesperson for the Safe Staffing Campaign; and who are willing to tell their Safe Staffing Stories. WSNA Communications Staff will guide you through the process. Notify me ASAP if you’re interested at jstewart@wsna.org or by phone at (206) 735-6484.

ADO Form/Online Staffing Complaint form – Use it!

Please submit ADOs (Assignment Despite Objection) for the concerns listed below. Have changes been made to your unit’s staffing plan without approval of the Safe Staffing Committee? The Union will not know unless you speak up by using the ADO forms. If you say nothing, it is assumed that everything is okay. Be sure to speak up to your charge nurse, manager or supervisor that shift to let them know you have a concern, which allows them the opportunity to improve the situation. You do not need their permission to fill out an ADO. It is your protected right to complete an ADO without punishment or retaliation.

This form is to be completed for issues including but not limited to:

  • The unit is not staffed according to its staffing plan.
  • Missed breaks or earned time denied
  • Equipment issues
  • Workplace safety concerns
  • Concerns with working conditions
  • System Failures

ADOs also can help protect your license, so it’s a good idea to do ADOs every shift you’re concerned about unsafe staffing.

Find the staffing complaint form at wsna.org/ado. It’s short and simple.

Thank you Good Sam nurses!

Your WSNA Good Samaritan Officers would like to give you an appreciation gift to say “Thank You” for your hard work during these difficult times. Hopefully you have received your Yeti drink tumbler. If not, more are being distributed next week. Thank you and enjoy.

Thank you,
Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative jstewart@wsna.org

Your Officers: Cheryll Howe, Melinda Thornton, Stephenie Troftgruben, Aaron Bradley, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen

Find contact information and past updates at wsna.org.

Find the on-line ADO Staffing Complaint Form at wsna.org/ado.