
Contract negotiations update!

We had our third session of negotiations today with management. This time management did come prepared with a comprehensive response to WSNA’s proposals, including all the economic items. While we are still apart in our wage proposals, we were able to make some tentative agreements today. We were able to have discussion and agreement on some contractual items that will benefit our members including things like paid sick leave utilization, schedules, and lactation accommodation for nursing mothers. We had expected to see some movement on our proposals regarding staffing, missed break and lunches and workplace violence, however no appreciable response has been received yet.

Our proposals are made with the intent of working collaboratively with management. We demonstrated this last week by working after hours to reach an agreement on the surgical services staff being able to float between Cascade and Skagit. This was fast tracked at management’s request and the team rose to the occasion and we were successful at reaching an agreement. This extra work resulted in preserving the scheduled procedures at Cascade and providing opportunity for work to Skagit nurses who may otherwise have been asked to low census.

What's next?

Did you wear your buttons today to show support for your team at the table? Thank you to all who participated in this “button up” day! We would love to see you proudly wearing those buttons so have a special ask for our next session. Please again button up for our next negotiations day Monday May 17. This time, however, take your cell phone and without any hospital or patient identifying backgrounds, snap a photo of the nurses on your unit wearing buttons and text those to any of the officers or email to Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org. Let us see which department has the most participants.

Please reach out to any of your team members for any questions or concerns. Your team is here for YOU!

Liz Rainaud

Cheryl Pederson

Rachel Yates

Jessica Googe

Hannah Guy

DeeAnn Wolf

Lacey Bernick