
Bargaining Session #7 Important Updates

We have been at the table negotiating a successor contract with the County. Given the status of the Coalition’s extension, we opted to engage in negotiations with the County over a possible one-year extension of our current contract. The parties continue to negotiate over this, while we press for some of the priorities identified as important to you, such as: contract language on telecommuting, continuation of reduced parking rates for day shift jail health nurses, continuation of longevity steps committee work, and information on initial step placement. We realize that this is not a list of all the priority issues for you. It is possible your bargaining team may reach agreement with the County later this month or in September – please stay tuned for more updates.

If we agree to a one-year extension, it is very likely we will be at the table in January 2025, for a successor agreement, which would take effect at the beginning of 2026.

Joint Labor Management Insurance Committee Benefits Agreement

As you also know, the Joint Labor Management Insurance Committee (JLMIC) negotiated changes, specifically, cost increases to out-of-pocket health benefits costs, for calendar year 2025. This was based on the reserve fund dipping below a prescribed level, which triggered cost-sharing negotiations or, if no agreement is reached, to go to a three-arbitrator panel who would make a decision on whether any changes are necessary and what those changes would be. The JLMIC, after long negotiations, opted for the route of agreeing to a specific amount rather than the uncertainty of a decision from an arbitrator panel.

Bargaining Unit Arbitrations

We have pending arbitrations on the erosion of bargaining unit work/CHSS position and on the critical shift incentive pay MOA. Additional updates will be provided as they become available. Please continue to reach out with any concerns or potential grievances.

Call to Action & Next Steps

  • In an effort to amplify our message to prioritize Public Health the Public Health Coalition has put together another flyer that has important talking points
  • Mark your calendar for the upcoming bargaining date – TBD – let us know if you’d like to come observe
  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the Employer
  • Engage and participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your bargaining team and fight for a fair contract
  • Join the monthly virtual Lunch & Learn – Next meeting September 4 at 12:05 pm – 12:55 pm
  • Join the monthly Save Public Health Member meeting (hosted by Protec17 – supported by WSNA) – Next meeting September 3 at noon – 1 pm
  • Provide input/feedback to your bargaining team
  • Follow on social media platforms

In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Nicole Klein, Local Unit Chair
Christopher Salatka, Local Unit Vice-Chair
Annie Roberts, Local Unit Secretary/Treasurer
Zerai Asgedom, Local Unit Grievance Officer

Questions? Contact your bargaining team members or WSNA Nurse Representative Linda Burbank lburbank@wsna.org