
Bargaining Sessions #5 & 6 – Let’s make sure they hear us

We met with Management last week on July 29 and August 1 to bargain. We exchanged proposals for a one-year contract extension package and discussed details about the same. On July 29, we received the County’s proposal for a one-year extension, which includes a 5.5% increase effective January 1, 2025 (but with a new cost of living adjustment (COLA) formula calculation), changes to health benefits language, language on telecommuting, and our language on carry-over of the work of the longevity steps working committee. Your bargaining team conveyed important information about working conditions, nurse safety, and the need to prioritize equity, race, and social justice, including as highlighted by the important work and recommendations of the Black Women’s Experience Project.

WSNA does not agree with Management’s proposal on a new COLA formula to determine your general wage increase (GWI).

Prior to our August 1 session, we presented a counter proposal for a one-year contract extension, including a 5.5% 2025 GWI, without COLA formula language, an additional ratification incentive, telecommuting language providing more benefits than the County’s proposal, an extension of contract language on allowing jail health day shift nurses to park with the after-hours rate, updated longevity steps working committee language, and language on initial step placement that seeks to use an equity, race, and social justice lens.  These reflect priorities expressed by you, the bargaining unit.

Unfortunately, we have yet to receive a full RFI response from the County. We have been vocal about the challenges this continues to create in moving forward on important proposals.

We meet again for bargaining on August 6.

Wage Step Placement Accuracy and Equity

We need your feedback. You still have time to complete the survey below. You can remain anonymous.

Nurses Celebration Event - A good time was had by ALL!

A huge shout out and ‘thank you’ to Local Unit Vice-Chair Christopher Salatka for putting together a fantastic Nurses Celebration event! Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate. Your Local Unit Officers are looking forward to planning future events. So, if you couldn’t make it this time, hopefully you can attend the next one.

Public Health Clinic Visit (Eastgate)

A special ‘thank you’ to Supervisor Geene Gonzales and the Eastgate Public Health Clinic Staff for their hospitality and engagement during the July 25 site visit. It was very much appreciated.

Free CNE Webinar: WABON – RN/LPN Scope of Practice

This webinar is open to ALL WSNA members!  We encourage you to attend live so you can participate in the presentation and Q&A. Even if you can’t attend the webinar live, a recording of the event and CNE will be available to registrants for 30 days after the live event. The webinar will be hosted through the WSNA Learning Management System, and a link to the event will be provided in the confirmation email. No separate Zoom link will be sent.

  • RN/LPN Scope of Practice
  • August 7, 11 am-noon
  • 1.0 contact hours
  • Presented by Margaret Holm, JD, RN; and Shana Johnny, DNP, RN
  • Cost: FREE!

Register here! WABON Webinar: RN/LPN Scope of Practice Tickets, Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite

Call to Action & Next Steps

  • Mark your calendar for the upcoming bargaining date – August 6– let us know if you’d like to come observe
  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the Employer
  • Engage and participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your bargaining team and fight for a fair contract
  • Join the monthly virtual Lunch & Learn – Next meeting August 7 at 12:05 pm – 12:55 pm
  • Join the monthly Save Public Health Member meeting (hosted by Protec17 – supported by WSNA) – Next meeting August 6 at noon – 1 pm 
  • Provide input/feedback to your bargaining team
  • Follow on social media platforms

Make sure you check this page regularly.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Nicole Klein, Local Unit Chair
Christopher Salatka, Local Unit Vice-Chair
Annie Roberts, Local Unit Secretary/Treasurer
Zerai Asgedom, Local Unit Grievance Officer

Questions? Contact your bargaining team members or WSNA Nurse Representative Linda Burbank lburbank@wsna.org