
Bargaining Session 4 - A Change in Direction

On Monday, we had our 4th bargaining session and things took a turn in a new direction. Given the current and unique circumstances, your bargaining team proposed a 1-year extension of the contract with some additional proposals based on your priorities. Specifically, we proposed a 5.5% general wage increase (GWI) with changes to health benefits, akin to what the County Coalition of Unions recently ratified.  We additionally proposed that the County preserve the Longevity Steps Working Committee work, keep and extend parking benefits, support telecommuting or provide a leave option for those unable to telecommute, retain public health nurses as County employees to maintain continuity of services, prevent erosion of bargaining unit work, and evaluate step placement with an equitable lens. Some considerations that support this decision to pursue a 1-year extension include:

  • The current state of funding for public health clinics, including uncertainty about funding
  • The potential to avoid lengthy negotiations and minimize opportunities for the County to propose ‘take aways’ or unwanted contractual changes
  • The Coalition’s ratification of a 1-year extension of their Coalition Labor Agreement (CLA) that includes County health benefit changes which were agreed to by the Joint Labor Management Insurance Committee (JLMIC)
  • The fact that a 1-year extension for 2025 will align the County’s budget cycle with the next WSNA contract

See wage step placement survey below.

We return to the bargaining table on July 29.

What is the JLMIC and what does it have to do with the WSNA contract?

The Joint Labor Management Insurance Committee (JLMIC) is comprised of representatives of the County, Coalition Labor Unions and Non-Coalition Labor Unions. WSNA belongs to the latter and participates in JLMIC bargaining. The JLMIC bargains County health benefits and has agreed to health benefit changes for 2025.

Article 7 of your WSNA contract (see language below) provides that WSNA ‘…agrees and adopts all terms and conditions of any successor JLMIC Agreement (s) through the duration of…’ the current contract or the ‘term of the next successor JLMIC Agreement, whichever has a later expiration.’ This means that the contract provides that we follow the JLMIC Agreement, unless we negotiate something different in the contract.

In recent JLMIC health benefits bargaining, the Committee had to make difficult decisions recognizing that many Members were accustomed to the County’s ‘good’ health benefits. Some of the terms that were bargained would be new and likely unwelcomed changes resulting in increased out of pocket costs. For the Coalition, this was balanced against a 5.5% increase and a 1-year Coalition CLA extension. A significant consideration that the JLMIC had to contend with was what would happen if an agreement on health benefits was not reached.

Unfortunately, it could have resulted in an unpredictable Dispute Resolution Process. One driving factor that would likely be considered in that process is that the projections for the Protected Reserve Fund (PFR) were insufficient to maintain the County’s health benefits. Thus, it is unknown whether the outcome of the dispute resolution process would be favorable to the JLMIC or the County. Reaching an agreement in JLMIC bargaining ensured a controlled and predictable outcome for Members.


Section 7.1. Health Benefits. King County presently participates in insured medical, dental, vision, long term disability, accidental death and dismemberment, and life insurance programs. The plan designs and plan features for the insured benefits are negotiated in the Joint Labor Management Insurance Committee (JLMIC) comprised of representatives of the County and labor organizations, including the Association. The JLMIC has negotiated the benefits agreement for 2023 and 2024. The Association further agrees and adopts all terms and conditions of any successor JLMIC Agreement(s) through the duration of this Agreement or the term of the next successor JLMIC Agreement, whichever has a later expiration.

Erosion of Bargaining Unit Work

On February 27, 2023, WSNA filed an Association Grievance related to ‘removal of bargaining unit work’. At that time, the County posted a new Community Health Services Supervisor (CHSS) position for a non-RN Supervisor to oversee RNs and replace Personal Health Services Supervisor (PHSS) bargaining unit work. The grievance has 2 parts:

  • Improper RN Supervision
  • Skimming Bargaining Unit Work

In October of 2023, the County provided a document that outlined plans to fill 8 PHSS positions, once vacant, with CHSS alternatives. To date, one PHSS position has been filled by a CHSS and another is posted. There is an arbitration hearing scheduled for October 7, 2024.

Unfortunately, the County has continued to take actions that could erode bargaining unit work. In May, the County posted an open position for a Regional Health Administrator/Nursing Services Manager in Jail Health Services. Historically, this position was filled by a Nurse Manager except for the last candidate who filled the position under unusual circumstances. Now, the County is not requiring that the position be held by an RN. Instead, the job description allows for non-RN candidates that will essentially be performing many Nurse Manager duties but will not be covered under the WSNA contract. Although the position is titled Nursing Services Manager, there is absolutely NO requirement that it be filled by a registered nurse.

Wage Step Placement Accuracy & Equity

Your WSNA contract (see language below) outlines specific criteria related to wage step placement for new hires, transfers, promotions, etc. In an effort to ensure the process is consistent, transparent and equitable we have requested that the County provide pertinent and clarifying information. We would like to hear from YOU regarding this process and any concerns you may have. Please take the short survey below. You can take it anonymously or email your thoughts and concerns directly to WSNA RN Rep Linda Burbank at lburbank@wsna.org.

Section 11.6. Wage Step Placement Rules.

11.6.1. New Hire Wage Placement. When an employee is hired into the bargaining unit, including both external candidates and current King County employees in the WSNA Staff contract (e.g., promotional candidates Registered Nurse position to Personal Health Services Supervisor), the employee will be placed by the County at up to Step 11 of the salary range for the respective classification. To determine step placement, the County will use the criteria below, and may also consider relevant experience, operational needs, and budget to provide a higher step placement above the criteria below.

  1. Supervisory and/or management experience (general) two years = (1) step with maximum of (3) steps;
  2. Program management, staff development and training QI/QA, evaluation, clinical teaching or other leadership experience (2) years = (1) step with (2) step maximum;
  3. Master’s degree/Ph.D./Doctor of Nursing Practice = (1) step with a (2) step maximum; and,
  4. Supervisory and/or management experience specific to setting (2) years = (1) step with a (4) step maximum.

Upcoming Public Health Clinic Visit (Eastgate)

Eastgate Public Health Clinic Visit on July 25th from 12 pm to 2 pm – This Thursday, WSNA will join with Protec17 for a site visit at the Eastgate Public Health Clinic in Bellevue. We look forward to seeing you and answering your questions!

Looking forward to seeing you at the FREE Dinner Celebration 

Nursing Celebration and Bargaining Update for the Public Health Seattle King County Supervisors

  • When: July 25 at 6 pm
  • Where: Azteca Restaurant in Tukwila (easy parking and accessibility)
  • RSVP via email or via text message response

Call to Action & Next Steps

  • Mark your calendar for upcoming bargaining date – July 29 – let us know if you’d like to come observe
  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the Employer
  • Engage and participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your bargaining team and fight for a fair contract
  • Join the monthly virtual Lunch & Learn – Next meeting August 7 at 12:05 pm – 12:55 pm
  • Join the monthly Save Public Health Member meeting (hosted by Protec17 – supported by WSNA) – Next meeting August 6 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Provide input/feedback to your bargaining team
  • Follow on social media platforms

In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Nicole Klein, Local Unit Chair
Christopher Salatka, Local Unit Vice-Chair
Annie Roberts, Local Unit Secretary/Treasurer
Zerai Asgedom, Local Unit Grievance Officer
Questions? Contact your Bargaining Team Members or WSNA Nurse Representative Linda Burbank lburbank@wsna.org