
Day 10 of bargaining - Issues remain to achieve a strong contract – Learn about the next steps for collective action

  • Overlake1
  • Overlake2
  • IMG 0561
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Your bargaining team continued working towards a strong contract at our June 4 bargaining session but did not reach an agreement with Overlake. We are working to schedule another bargaining date and have invited Overlake to federal mediation to help us cross the finish line. Overlake continues to refuse to engage in mediation.

 Just days before our prior, May 24, session, Overlake announced its MultiCare affiliation. On May 24, Overlake made a last-minute counterproposal on leave. Additionally, Overlake previously introduced a late-breaking proposal on minute-by-minute timekeeping.

Where we are:


  • As noted above, on May 24, Overlake finally countered our March 1 proposal to essentially transition EIB to sick leave, make it immediately available, and align our contract with the Washington State sick leave law.
  • We rejected Overlake's counterproposal, which would limit the number of hours of sick leave that could be rolled over to an unacceptably low level.


  • We continue pushing for wages that would bring you close to or on par with the highest-paid union nurses in the Seattle-Bellevue area.

Longevity (step) increases:

  • We continue to seek step increases that would take effect one year after the last step increase, so that some part-time nurses do not have to wait longer than a year for these increases.
  • Overlake’s counter proposal regarding the timing of such increases lacks specificity on some aspects. Overlake was not able to answer our questions about that part of their proposal on June 4.

MultiCare Affiliation:

  • We know many of you want more information about the MultiCare affiliation. WSNA requested information from Overlake regarding its announced affiliation with MultiCare, but Overlake has not responded to all our requests.
  • Overlake informed WSNA in writing that:
    • One of the elements of the “expected affiliation” is that "Overlake will continue to be the employer of nurses at Overlake represented by WSNA.”
    • Following the affiliation closing, Overlake’s employees will be W-2 employees of Overlake, as opposed to MultiCare or a MultiCare affiliate.

Take Action! 

  • Attend Union Meetings next week – more information soon on the timing
    • Learn about the Next Steps for Collective Action
    • Learn more about outstanding proposals and wages

Stay tuned for information about those and other actions. If you have questions contact, Zach at zseikel@wsna.org or Tara at tbarnes@wsna.org).

In unity,
Your WSNA Bargaining Team
Chris Birchem Ortho/Spine Surgery
Cassie Bundick CCU
Caine Ballew Float Pool
Michele Percosky OPS
Kristin Barnett IPS
Stacey Alvarez ED
Melissa Santos CCU
Balla Sarr Break Relief RN