
Local unit meetings to launch our next actions for a strong, fair contract on Tuesday, June 11.

After 10 negotiation sessions, Overlake WSNA RNs continue this fight for a strong, fair contract. Our past actions show nurses are willing to take action and have moved Overlake further at the bargaining table, but not nearly far enough. What is the solution? Take more action!

Come to a local unit meeting at a time while you are on a break or on your day off. Bring the kids! Yes, it is THAT important to escalate our campaign to gain the community as allies in this fight. Information, education, and materials will be distributed at the meetings. WSNA staff and negotiator and your bargaining team members will be available to answer questions at the meetings:

We’ll see you there in PACCAR on Tuesday June 11!

MORNING: 8-10 am Inspiration Room

AFTERNOON: 1-3 pm Insight Room

EVENING: 8-10 pm Insight Room

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Tara Barnes tbarnes@wsna.org or 206-713-2241 or Organizer Zach Seikel zseikel@wsna.org 206-406-7203