
Bargaining session update – our first following Overlake’s MultiCare affiliation reveal

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Today at our ninth bargaining session Overlake decided to finally substantively respond to our March 1 proposal to transform EIB into sick leave (and make it immediately available), as part of a comprehensive package proposal that covers all remaining topics. There are aspects of this leave proposal that we like, including bringing EIB/sick leave into line with Washington State Law, but parts need closer scrutiny, including Overlake’s proposed cap on sick leave rollover. Overlake’s comprehensive proposal included movement on break relief – specifically additional FTEs dedicated to break relief and preservation of the current break relief nurses in the float pool. Unfortunately, Overlake moved up only 0.25% on its wage proposal in year one.

Despite Overlake’s affiliation announcement, we would like to think we are closing in on the finish line of these negotiations but are not there yet and, in addition to the above, are continuing to push for wages that bring you at or near par with the highest paid union hospital nurses in the Seattle/Bellevue area and step increases annually rather than based on hours (with no takeaways for PTO/vacation accrual).

At the end of our session, to facilitate reaching agreement, we invited Overlake to participate in federal mediation. Overlake has not said yes or no to that. We have not yet scheduled an additional bargaining date.

Thank you to those who attended the drop-in sessions yesterday. We had many in-depth conversations with nurses from across many departments. It is clear you share our concerns and support our continued efforts in bargaining for a fair contract.

Please join the private Overlake RN’s FB group, read all the negotiations updates (if you aren’t getting them or just have questions contact Zach or Tara at tbarnes@wsna.org ), and keep filing ADOs. Stay tuned for calls to action in the next two weeks.

Come on Overlake, let’s reach a deal for a strong and fair contract!

In unity,
Your WSNA Bargaining Team
Chris Birchem Ortho/Spine Surgery
Cassie Bundick CCU
Caine Ballew Float Pool
Michele Percosky OPS
Kristin Barnett IPS
Stacey Alvarez ED
Melissa Santos CCU
Balla Sarr Break Relief RN

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Tara Barnes at tbarnes@wsna.org.