
October 2022 Newsletter

Low Census Order

If you see that the contractual language is not being followed; notify your charge nurse, manager, director or nursing supervisor immediately. If you are ignored, contact a union officer or WSNA Nurse Rep.

6.6.1 Low Census Order. In the event of temporary low census, the Hospital would intend to release nurses in the following order, providing skill, competence, ability and patient continuity are adequate to meet patient care needs:

a. Agency (including SYSTEM FLOATS)
b. Nurses working in any time and one-half (1 1/2) or double time (2x) pay condition, except when the nurse is working the nurse's regularly scheduled shift or rest between shifts premium (7.8).
c. Volunteers
d. Travelers
e. Per Diems
f. Nurses scheduled above their authorized FTE status on their extra scheduled days.
g. Regular staff in rotation or per diems temporarily filling a designated full-time or part-time position. (Note: The per diem must fill the entire position to be included in the normal rotation of low census with regular staff.)

Kronos Overpayment Update
WSNA filed a lawsuit in state court in March 2022 to stop MultiCare unilaterally deducting alleged “overpayments” that occurred in connection with the Kronos fiasco. State law provides that such deductions from employee paychecks are not permitted without the employee’s consent. MultiCare tried to get the case dismissed by removing it to federal court, but the federal judge rejected that delay tactic, and sent the case back to state court in August. In the meantime, WSNA's lawsuit forced MultiCare to stop the payroll deductions, at least for now. Both WSNA and MultiCare have filed motions for summary judgment (arguing that we are entitled to win the case without a trial), which will be heard by a state court judge on October 14. We will update you when we know more.

Update your contact information with WSNA
This coming new year, we will begin communications regarding upcoming contract negotiations. Please make sure your contact information is current, as MultiCare does not provide us with those changes. If any of your information has changed in the past 3 years, please update WSNA at membership@wsna.org. Let them know which facility you work at; and any updates in your name, address, phone number or email address.

ADO – Assignment Despite Objection
We are seeing an increase in ADOs, reporting inadequate and unsafe staffing. A copy of the ADO goes to your union leadership, the Chief Nurse Executive, as well as the manager or director whose email address you provided on the form. There should be non-retaliatory follow up by your manager; and ADOs are reviewed at the monthly staffing committee meetings. Please continue to file the electronic ADOs by going to wsna.org/ADO.

Investigatory Meeting
If you are invited to a meeting by management, be sure to ask if the meeting is “Investigatory and may possibly lead to Discipline.” If the answer is YES, please let them know you’d like Union Representation – That is your Right. You should call your WSNA Nurse Rep or one of the Officers. Contact information can be found at MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital - WSNA.

Professional Liability Insurance
It is HIGHLY recommended that you obtain Professional Liability Insurance. You never know when you’ll need it, but if you do find yourself in need, you’ll be thankful you’re covered. The cost is minimal – just over $100 annually. WSNA recommends NSO. www.nso.com, but feel free to research and choose any company that fits your needs.

Janet Stewart, RN, BSN
WSNA Nurse Representative