
Day 3: Good Sam to nurses – The Bottom Line is the Bottom Line


Before we even started negotiating, GSH nurses made it abundantly clear that the top bargaining issues were staffing ratios and break nurses – those were the key issues to recruitment and retention. Last bargaining session, we proposed ratios, staffing premiums if the employer violates those ratios, and break nurses. Today, they told us no.

We responded.

We told them that, regardless of all the work Staffing Committee does to develop matrixes, the hospital’s chief executive officer has the authority under state law to reject the Staffing Committee’s recommendations, which they have done two years in a row. This year, the chief financial officer came to Staffing Committee and rejected the matrices – and if that doesn’t speak volumes about the hospital’s priorities….

Read what bargaining team member Ashley Eubanks said to management’s bargaining team.

(Oh, also they proposed taking away the President’s Day holiday, which means one less day of premium pay.)

WSNA “Sip and Chat” continues Thursdays 8-9 p.m.

Join Sip ‘n’ Chat *tonight* from 2000-2100.

Show Multicare we’re paying attention - sign up as an observer!

Our bargaining team is calling on you to sign up as an observer at negotiations. Being an observer shows Multicare that we’re committed to fighting for a fair contract. If you are interested in being an observer, please email or text organizer Grace at glamonte@wsna.org

Call for Unit Reps

We want every unit to have at least one representative. There isn’t a large time commitment outside of work, and you’ll play an important role in our negotiations. Email or text organizer Grace to learn more about what being a unit rep entails and sign up for a training!

In Solidarity, your bargaining team,
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Eren Dao, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham.

Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative jstewart@wsna.org

Need shirts, buttons, stickers, or want to know how to get involved: contact Grace LaMonte, WSNA Organizer glamonte@wsna.org