
ACTION ALERT: Tell MultiCare CEO that GS nurses are UNITED by signing our letter!

Many of you have worn your blue shirts on Fridays. You’ve filled out your ADOs and have worn your “break for safety” pins. Nurses have made it clear that we are tired, burnt out, and need safe staffing ratios and break nurses NOW. Despite this, MultiCare has told us that staffing committee is a perfectly adequate way to address our concerns and has rejected our proposals about ratios and break nurses. We need to show up and let them know that we’re paying attention and standing in solidarity with our bargaining team.

We need every nurse at GSH to sign this letter to CEO of MultiCare Bill Robertson. This letter will be delivered to MultiCare on March 15 during a public hearing on their planned expansion of our hospital. We will have more information on this hearing in the coming weeks!

You can return a filled-out sheet by emailing a picture to GSHaction@wsna.org, or by texting a picture to us at 206-677-0146.

There is an online link to this letter that you can find at https://forms.office.com/r/GAXGKqfSCGk.

We HIGHLY recommend printing it out from the pdf posted on the local unit web page and sending it in as a physical copy if possible. This is because we want to be able to present the physical letters to MultiCare management and show them that our nurses are standing together for patient safety.

Call for Bargaining Observers!

Many of you have already contacted us about coming to our next bargaining sessions as an observer. Our next planned bargaining dates are March 9, March 10, March 20, March 29, and March 30. If you can make any of these sessions please reach out to organizer Grace at glamonte@wsna.org or at 206-553-9794, and we will get you more details. This is a crucial way to show MultiCare we are paying attention and standing strong.

Blue Friday with a Twist!

We know MultiCare has been sending out messages telling nurses not to wear their WSNA shirts. If you are asked to take off your shirt, ask if it will lead to any disciplinary action, and comply if the answer is yes. We are currently filing an Unfair Labor Practice against MultiCare at the National Labor Relations Board. In the meantime, wear your “Break for safety” pins, your “I support my Bargaining Team” stickers, and stay united! We will be rounding with badge reels, stickers, and pins this week.

Some nurses have gotten creative with turning their shirts inside out or wearing blue scrubs on Fridays. Keep up the energy and send in your pictures to us on Instagram @gshnurses or on our FB group: WSNA Good Sam - Union Discussion.


Shoutout to Samantha and Natalie for thinking of some creative ways to comply with their managers dress code!

In solidarity, your bargaining team:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Eren Dao, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham.

Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative jstewart@wsna.org

Need shirts, buttons, stickers, or want to know how to get involved: contact Grace LaMonte, WSNA Organizer glamonte@wsna.org