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Friday March 3, show your WSNA Union support by wearing your “Break for Safety” pins; WSNA pins; WSNA badge buddies, and WSNA badge pulls.

Your WSNA organizer and nurse rep will be in the hospital doing Cafeteria Time. Stop by and see us in the cafeteria from 12-6 PM and in the 2 River Pavilion from 6:15-9:00 PM Friday.

We’ll have bagels and treats until they run out.

Since MultiCare Administration has mandated no Union T-Shirts, we recommend you comply so you do not receive discipline for insubordination. In the meantime, WSNA is filing an Unfair Labor Practice charge on this matter. Thanks for your Awesome Spirit and Great Photos you have submitted. We would still love to get your photos with your buttons and WSNA Swag.

Upcoming Bargaining Dates: March 9, 10, 20, 29 & 30. On those dates, wear your “I Support My Bargaining Team Stickers” plus the items listed above.

If you’d like to see what Negotiations are like and want to be there to support the team, please sign up to be an Observer. Contact Organizer Grace LaMonte GLamonte@wsna.org or call/text 206-553-9794.

Sign the Petition for Safe Staffing Ratios, Break Nurses, and a Fair Contract. Stop by on Friday to sign or sign on line: https://forms.office.com/r/GAXGKqfSCGk.

We will deliver the signed petition to MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson on March 15.

Join us every Thursday night for Virtual Union Sip and Chat. Ask your nurse representative or bargaining team members for the meeting link.

In solidarity, your bargaining team:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Eren Dao, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham

Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative jstewart@wsna.org.

Need shirts, buttons, stickers, or want to know how to get involved: contact Grace LaMonte, WSNA Organizer glamonte@wsna.org.