
February 2025 Newsletter

Pre-Bargaining Meet and Greet on February 20 4-8 pm

This is your opportunity to grab a t-shirt, I support my bargaining team button and snack. Conference Room G.

All unit reps encouraged to attend!

Central bargaining

Dates have been set for 2025 contract negotiations.

February 21

  • March 3,
  • March 18
  • March 25

We expect to follow each bargaining session with communication to the bargaining unit nurses.

Be sure to wear your WSNA blue shirt, I support My Bargaining Team pin and put up car sign of support.  Take pictures and send them to your unit rep, Laurie Robinson or Jenny Galassi.


Bargaining team

Stefani Gates-PACU
Karen Doiron- MOU
Brittney Lamb-ED
Sara Bergenholtz-ED
Edilia Perez-CVOR
Paul Molenaar-ED
Simon Morton-SOU
Isaiah Ray-ICU
Todd Avis-Case Management

Mares bargaining

The bargaining teams met on February 13 with the federal mediator. For a full update, check out the Mares webpage.

Unit Reps

We are looking for Unit Reps. We would like to see 2-3 nurses become Unit Reps for each unit. The training is free. If you are interested in keeping your unit quickly informed, especially during contract negotiations, please contact Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer Cell: 206-707-2948 jgalassi@wsna.org or Laurie Robinson Nurse Representative Cell: 206-620-4136 lrobinson@wsna.org  for more information.

Current Unit Representatives:

ED: Taylor Bayne
Home Health: Teyler Valle
Hospice: Rhonda Rochester
MBU: April Parsley
MBU: Dana Thomas
NICU: Sara Bull
Oscopy: Jenn Nice
PCU: Ann Francis
PCU: Tricia Hopkins
Pre-Op: Caryn Rumble
Resource: Terry Heldreth
Surgery: Edilia Perez

Hospital Staffing Committee

Simon Morton, Co-Chair Hospital Staffing Committee January update:

  • The financial presentation by vice president of finance for confluence health, Eric Caldwell, was today. There was a lot of information shared, but the highlights are overall confluence has a roughly 4.5% operating margin with a total of $37 million in profit. Most hospital systems are about 4%. Confluence credit rating is A and A- between the two major credit bureaus (so very high).
  • The margin for inpatient units is slim, with the average revenue per patient $5016 and expenses $4993
  • $22 million was spent on contracted employees. About 10-15% is non-clinical staff
  • We had 6 ADOs. We are waiting for administrative responses for several. What happened with 2 situations is that the chain of command was followed by the nurse bringing the issue to the charge nurse, but the charge nurse wasn’t able to resolve the issue and did not contact manager or ANS.
  • You are absolutely within your right and I encourage you all to contact the manager on call or ANS if your issues do not get resolved at the charge RN level. At a minimum, continue to make sure to let charge nurse know the issue. We will still discuss in staffing committee regardless, but during shift help and changes will be more likely to occur if you go beyond just the charge RN.
  • Nurse practice committee is working on helping to streamline our admissions process. If you have ideas, let me know or come to a meeting! Every 3rd Monday at 1000.

As a reminder: make sure to follow chain of command with all ADOs. Charge RN at the minimum. Notifying Management or house supervisor as well will be more likely to get you a resolution quickly, however.

Any questions feel free to let me know! If others at the meeting want to add something feel free as well!


  • MBU Nurses denied second vacations- Step 3 Meeting February 26
  • RBS issue for scheduling Endoscopy – Awaiting a request for information.
  • Disciplinary- 3 separate grievances for individual nurses.

What you need to know if ICE agents come to your workplace

WSNA communicated to our bargaining unit members on January 27. If you missed this, please see the link below.

There is more to this concern. There have been reports of nurses who have expressed their supportive opinions of ICE detainment within the clinical setting and social media. It is important to remember that we are nurses who care for the sick and injured. We, as nurses, must maintain public trust and our integrity in our practice.

It is frightening to consider that a human being would hesitate to seek medical care for themselves or family members because of the worry of detainment.

WSNA Membership

If you are not a WSNA member please consider completing a membership application today! Just click on the link!


In solidarity,

Open- Chair
Stephanie Gates- Co-Chair
Karen Doiron- Secretary
Simon Morton- Treasurer
Paul Molenaar- Membership 
Brittney Lamb- Grievance Officer
Isaiah Ray- Grievance Officer

Laurie Robinson Nurse Representative
Cell: 206-620-4136

Jenny Galassi Nurse Organizer
Cell: 206-707-2948