
Bargaining Day 1

Central bargaining

The bargaining teams met to begin our work on a new contract. We delivered our proposal with reserves such as floating and low census until our next bargaining date.

We addressed a 1:1 nursing experience, wage scale eliminating “ghost steps”, increases in shift differentials, increasing ability to achieve additional certifications and/or Educational premium to a total of three, Pool premium with specified requirements, Retired Pool to achieve IP the same as other nurses, the ability to take vacation during a scheduled holiday if a nurse is able to secure another nurse to work, increasing Resource, increasing standby/call pay for over 31 hours to name a few.

Finally, we asked for a wage increase of 10%, 5% and 5% over the three-year contract cycle.

Both teams engaged in some initial fruitful dialogue.

We meet again on March 3 and look forward to Day 2!

In solidarity,
Your WSNA Officers, 
Stephanie Gates- Co-Chair
Karen Doiron- Secretary
Simon Morton- Treasurer
Paul Molenaar- Membership
Brittney Lamb- Grievance Officer
Isaiah Ray- Grievance Officer

Laurie Robinson Nurse Representative

Jenny Galassi Nurse Organizer