
Local Unit Officer nominations

It’s time to elect WSNA Local Unit Officers to repre­sent RNs at Virginia Mason. The elected positions are Chair­person, Co-chair­person, Secre­tary, Treasurer, Griev­ance officers (multiple). The Secre­tary and Treasurer may be combined and held by one person.

Chair: The Local Unit Chair coordinates the local unit. They are responsible for ensuring the goals are met and accomplishing the business of the local unit. The goals work to keep members informed and involved, uphold the Local Unit Rules, and ensure committees are functional and accountable. The Chair runs local unit meetings.

Vice- Chair: The Local Unit Vice- Chair works closely with the Chair and helps meet the goals of the Local Unit and Members. The Vice- Chair runs local unit meetings when the Chair is unavailable and assists with committee functions. The Vice- Chair would assume the role as Chair in the absence or vacancy of Chair position.

Secretary: The Local Unit Secretary maintains all records and minutes of the Local Unit.

Treasurer: The Local Unit Treasurer keeps an itemized account of all the receipts and disbursements pertaining to local unit funds and reports to the Officers on the status of the dues.

Grievance Officer: The Local Unit Grievance Officer oversees contract enforcement through the use of the grievance procedure found in the contract, and by doing so, advocates for all the nurses.

Self-nomina­tions are strongly encour­aged! All those nominated and are inter­ested in running are required to complete a ​“consent to serve” form in order to be listed on the voting ballots. Those who self-nominate do not have to complete the form.

Nominees must be members in good standing.

If you have questions about any of the positions, feel free to reach out to any current officer or the Nurse Rep or see your Local Unit Rules. Nomina­tions will close July 10 , 2020.

In Solidarity!

Janelle Coy, RN, Local Unit Chair
Kari Benning, RN, Local Unit Co-Chair
Suzanne Baek, RN, Local Unit Secretary/​Treasurer
Susan Dunn, RN, Griev­ance