
Bargaining Session Number Three: We’re Making Our Priorities Known

On Tuesday, September 3, we had our third bargaining session with Management. Given that we are 1200 nurses strong, we would expect our nursing leadership to come to the table prepared to listen to the issues facing the nurses that make this hospital run. While there are plenty of corporate HR employees at the table, we are disappointed that only ONE nurse – Stacey DeMaranville, director of the Family Birth Center, is on management’s bargaining team. Nursing leadership isn't represented at the table, so let’s make sure that our voices are heard.

We proposed some of our most critical priorities this session:

Staffing: RN Ratios

California has had them for over 20 years (where CommonSpirit has 31 hospitals), Oregon just got them (they have hospitals there, too), and St. Joe’s patients should not be left behind: we proposed nurse-to-patient ratios for every unit in which we work. We stated that ratios also have to factor in acuity and availability of ancillary staff, in addition to other considerations.

Break Nurses             

We started with the basic premise that it is management’s obligation to provide for uninterrupted meal and rest periods for each nurse, and proposed that management hire enough dedicated break nurses to ensure that happens. We made it clear in our proposal that break nurses cannot be pulled to take their own patient care assignment, and that “break buddies” are not acceptable alternatives to break nurses. This is where you come in: make sure that you note in Kronos every single time you do not receive uninterrupted 15-minute rest breaks and a 30-minute meal break. If you are intimidated for or retaliated against for marking your missed breaks, let Nurse Representative Jared Richardson know at jrichardson@wsna.org.

Workplace Violence and Safety

Our WSNA union siblings at Virginia Mason went to the mat for their historic workplace safety language – we need to stand up and expect the same. We demanded weapons detectors at all public entrances (VM became the first CommonSpirit hospital in the country to have them), mandatory visitor check-in at all entrances, trained security dogs in the ED (what happened to Joey?), a dedicated violence and safety program for St. Joe’s (and not for the whole system – this is required by law), and a security presence upon request by a nurse who feels they are unsafe due to a patient, patient visitor, or family members.

We know that security has been instructed to start screening patients that come through the ED. While we appreciate this attempt to address the recent safety incidents that have happened in the ED, we know that it will take more than a sticker to stop workplace violence.

Safety check

Our safety shouldn’t be negotiable, but if Management won’t provide it to us, we will speak up and demand that we are safe at work.

See it for yourself: Come observe negotiations

Ever wonder what happens at negotiations that makes the process seem long? Come see how the sausage it made! Next session, we're expecting management to respond to our proposals on ratios, breaks, and safety. We need as many people as possible to come and observe next Wednesday, September 11, so we can hold management accountable.

Observers should arrive at 1:00 if possible to make sure they hear as much of the session as they can. The session will take place at the University of Puget Sound. We recommend using the P5 Parking Lot, which is free.

We encourage observers to sign up here so we can keep track of how many people plan on attending, but you are not required to sign up to observe. If you plan on observing, please make sure to read through this document so you know what to expect. For any questions about observing negotiations, reach out to WSNA Organizer Grace at 206-553-9794 or glamonte@wsna.org.

Union Chatroom Tonight at 1900!

On tonight's Union Chatroom we'll be talking more in-depth about what we proposed last session, as well as discussing some of the recent safety issues at St. Joes. Join for a few minutes or stay for the whole hour. 
You can join virtually via this Microsoft Teams link.

Turn St. Joes Blue on Fridays & Bargaining Days

Make sure to wear your WSNA blue shirts and "I support my bargaining team" stickers and pins tomorrow for Blue Friday! Let's turn the hospital blue to show management that we're united for a fair contract. Send any pictures of your unit decked out in blue to our Instagram @SJMC_WSNA, our private FB group, or WSNA Organizer Grace at 206-553-9794.

Power shirts st joes

Don't forget to wear your WSNA blue shirts on bargaining days and Blue Fridays! Send pictures of your unit to our Instagram @sjmc_wsna, or to a member of the bargaining team. 

In Solidarity,

Your WSNA Officers and Negotiating Team
Emily Nollmeyer, local unit Co-Chair, Labor and Delivery, day shift
Carina Price, local unit Co-Chair, ICU, night shift
Matthew McGuire, Treasurer/Grievance officer, ED, day shift
Shelly Mead, Grievance officer, ED, day shift
Yunna Flenord, Grievance officer, ICU, night shift
Teresa Kindell, Membership Coordinator, 2S, day shift
Shannon Suchland, Secretary, Walter's OR, day shift
Sally Budack, Co-Secretary, SADU, day shift
Jessica Lenczycki, negotiating team member, Labor and Delivery, night shift
Kate Frazier, negotiating team member, 7th floor, night shift
Sarah Guillen, negotiating team member, EP, day shift
Kat Jabasa, negotiating team member, Main OR, day shift

You can contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jared Richardson, MSN, RN, at jrichardson@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte at glamonte@wsna.org.