
Update about Health Insurance Changes

Hello St. Joe's Nurses!

This is a quick overview of where we are with the issue of insurance changes.

What Is Happening With Our Insurance

WSNA was not given adequate notice or information over the changes to our insurance. We do not find the plan substantially equivalent to our former plan. We are disappointed with the employer’s obfuscation of the plan changes prior to implementation. We issued a demand to bargain on October 25th and have not received a response from the employer at this time.

What Is Changing

Overall, the fixed costs go up for both nurse and employer about 10% for the PPO and ABHP plans, however the out of pocket, dependent and deductibles go up substantially. The EPO plan has far higher increases in the cost to employees when it comes to adding dependents. All plans limit who we can see primarily to Peace Health Providers. Increase in cost for us, increase in business for them.

What Can Be Done And What Can I do?

Firstly, sign up for benefits as you would normally do. As much as we don’t agree with the change and will be bargaining, comply with the process as the employer has laid out for now.

Secondly, take this quick survey to help us identify how this affects you: While we cannot guarantee any outcomes, we can push the employer to do the right thing and bargain with us in good faith. We need to know how this affects as many people as possible to make these changes.

Lastly, we have identified a small group of members to meet with the employer and voice our concerns, please contact your local Unit Officers to be part of that grouphttps://www.wsna.org/union

For good measure, here is the timeline and why we are irate with Peace Health’s bad faith in discussing these changes with us:

9/24 - Peace Health Notified WSNA and nurses of the planned changes at the same time.
9/24, 10/14, 10/18, 10/21 – WSNA requested more information to assess that the plan was substantially equivalent.
10/14 – Peace Health released generic information to nurses at the same time it gave to WSNA.
10/23 – Peace Health finally provided substantive information to WSNA to review plan.
10/25 – WSNA reviewed plan and finds it wanting. We demand to bargain.

We hear your concerns. Please reach out to your local unit officers as well as your nurse rep with any questions.