
News you can use

Do not start an IV without an order!

Throughout the years and across the country, nurses and nursing students have practiced their IV insertions skills on each other as a way to build confidence before attempting to do so on a patient. Leadership at PeaceHealth have made it abundantly clear in the last year that they are enforcing Washington State Code that prohibits nurses from inserting an IV without an order. The hospital will subject nurses to the disciplinary process if they are made aware that they have participated in practicing IV skills on anyone who is not currently a patient at the hospital with a current order for an IV. That means both the person starting the IV and the person who allows one to be started on them can face discipline, which depending on the circumstances, may result in termination of their employment. The hospital has declined to notify nurses of the change in policy despite repeated requests from your officers, so we're taking this in our own hands to ensure our members are not caught unaware. The bottom-line is don't start IVs on anyone who is not a patient (or a simulation arm in an educational setting).

Insurance Issues: What You Can Do

We are still hearing about issues with the coverage provided by PeaceHealth's Third Party Administrator, United Medical Resources (UMR). There is a Health Benefits Team in HR that is available to assist you with any difficulties you are facing based on the employer-provided insurance. You can reach them by sending a message via AskHR on MyHR and you will be directed to the HR person who can provide you with resources and options. It will also ensure they are aware of any ongoing issues affecting multiple staff, so please let them know! We are fast approaching the time of year when the hospital must make a final selection for the insurance provider they will use for 2025 and onward, so make sure they understand what it's like to use UMR!

Cafeteria Time:
Tuesday, June 4, 1130-1500

Join us at the hospital cafeteria to meet with your WSNA Nurse Rep as well as your amazing officers on Tuesday, June 4, from 1130 to 1500! We will be available to answer questions, discuss issues and hand out WSNA swag, and you can sign up to win a Fred Meyer gift card!

Contact Grace Chesterman, WSNA Nurse Representative (gchesterman@wsna.org) or your local unit officers if you have questions.