
Insurance stories - Myth vs Fact


Did everyone see (or hear about) PH's "Myth vs Fact- Benefits" email that came out to nurses this week?

You wanna know what's cool about that? Those "myths" they are responding to are DIRECTLY pulled from your guys' insurance pictures.

Picture in our previous newsletter here: https://www.wsna.org/union/st-joseph-hospital and on the Instagram:  Instagram.

What does this mean? They are feeling the heat. If they didn't sense that we were gaining traction, they wouldn't have felt the need to respond. A response that doesn’t deny the realities of our individuals circumstances, just ignores them.

Where do we go from here? We hear you. You're mad. We are mad. Let's use that energy. Send us more insurance impact pictures/videos! It seriously can take 3 minutes or less. Write two sentences on a piece of paper, snap a pic. Bonus points go to people who get creative and are holding the pic, etc.

There are 1100 of us WSNA nurses at St. Joe's. Let's keep coming together, wearing our blue, filling out our Solidarity Signs (which we will be picking up soon!) and asking important questions."

What to do:

Email insurance story pics to Kristin Malmo: kristin.m.malmo@gmail.com

Make solidarity signs in your breakrooms. Contact Jen Hampton if you don’t know how: puddinbish@yahoo.com

Come to our sip and chat updates Mondays at 4:30pm: https://tinyurl.com/stjoesbhamupdate

Come to Bargaining February 18 and 19 in the St John HEC Auditorium. Show up around 10 am if you can.