
Bargaining update

We met with Skyline management on July 16 for our fifth bargaining session. Management presented a package proposal that shows the parties are in agreement or close on a lot of issues, but not wages. Skyline continues to propose paying us wages below – and in some cases far below – those of other hospitals we consider comparable. Skyline increased its wage proposal to 8 percent in year one, 4 percent in year two, and 2 percent in year three. This represents only a 0.5 total percent increase over its June 26 three-year proposal (6.5%, 4%, 3%).

 We emphasized at this session the importance of recruitment and retention and the need to invest in full-time, part-time, and per diem regular nurses instead of high-cost travelers.  Management states they want to reduce their reliance on travelers, but right now, that isn’t the case.

WSNA submitted a counterproposal that would cost the employer less than our original proposal but still significantly raises wages, creates more regular step progression, eliminates “ghost” steps (steps where there is no increase), and condenses the pay scale to provide nurses meaningful raises sooner in their careers at Skyline Health.

You need to show up and be heard if you want higher wages.

There are three easy steps you can take:

  1. Come to observe bargaining next week, July 23. Reach out to the bargaining team or Bret Percival (bpercival@wsna.org) for details.
  2. Come show your support at the Board of Commissioners meeting on July 23. We will meet in front of the Emergency Room in the parking lot at 5:45 before going in. We need you to bring family, friends, and neighbors to fill the room with support!
  3. Spread the word of the community petition to support Skyline Health WSNA nurses.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Nurse Rep Bret Percival (bpercival@wsna.org).

In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Gena Martinez - Same Day Surgery – Chair 
Laurie Smith - Med Surg/ED – Vice Chair 
Britton Baker – ED - Secretary/Treasurer 
Susan Rowe - Acute Care -Grievance Officer 
Erin Howland – Med Surg/ED – Membership Officer