
Day 13: Virtual Negotiations Update

As we wait to hear whether a mediator from PERC can join future negotiations, we held a virtual negotiations session on July 9 which was pleasantly productive, and Skagit and we reached a bunch of tentative agreements!  Of course, “tentative agreements” remain tentative and only take effect when both parties have ratified the contract. Our next in-person bargaining session is July 29 – whether we have a mediator there remains to be seen. Stay tuned for more information for observers.

We reached tentative agreements on July 9 on the following issues:

Section 1.2 Accretion

Section 2.1 Union membership

Section 4.1 Union access to premises

Section 4.5 New employee orientation

Section 5.8 Preceptor (we have a grievance over the issue of whether clinic RNs are eligible for preceptor pay; we have not been able to resolve this at the table and are pursuing our arbitration)

Section 7.x Bonus shifts (change to who’s eligible)

Section 7.15 Shift rotation

Section 8.6.1 Calculation of shift differential (standardizing how shift diff is paid)

Section 8.8 Preceptor pay (providing paid training to nurses whom Skagit requests become preceptors)

Section 8.11 Surgical services resource coordination responsibilities premium (moving an MOU from the back of the contract into the main body)

Section 8.12 Regular rate of pay (clarifying that BSN/MSN premium is included)

Section 10.1 Sick leave accumulation (management withdrew its takeaway proposal)

Sections 11.3, 11.5, 11.6 Layoff (management withdrew its takeaway proposal to add “reallocation” language, allowing it to reduce FTEs without layoff protections)

Section 13.1 Personnel file (most discipline expires after two years for progressive discipline and transfers)

Article 18 – Grievance procedure

Article 19 – Staffing (updating Nurse Staffing Committee language due to new law)

Appendix D – Hospice of the Northwest (some improvements and clarifications)

Sip N’ Chat     

Please plan on attending the sip n chat virtual meeting today at 6 pm to hear details about the agreements.  We are happy to share with you the tentative agreements we have reached and explain how improving the verbiage ultimately benefits YOU!  Our agenda this Thursday will include:

 a) Updates on the tentative agreements

b) Board Meetings

c) plans for moving forward

d)  Q&A


Commissioners: Can You Hear Us Now? 

WSNA nurses flooded the board room!  Between nurses in the room and nurses on the Zoom link, we lost count at 65.

Stay strong! Let’s keep putting pressure on leadership!  Commissioners need to keep hearing from us what it’s like to be a Skagit nurse, knowing what other area nurses make and knowing how they’re paid. We need to be the voice of truth at these meetings (what was that phrase – “we have the capacity through staffing” [to take care of higher patient volume] – truth or gaslighting?).  The Commissioners need to get used to seeing and hearing from nurses describing their real-life day to day experiences caring for the community – for many of us, the community *we* live in.  Attend Sip n’ Chat to hear more about how we can accomplish this!

Letter To The Board

The letter to the Commissioners has been circulated for electronic signature and every single nurse at Skagit should sign this – the response has been incredible!

  • Skagimediation
  • 240630 skagt liz rainaud 1
  • 240630 skagt malean kyla
  • 240630 skagt sharrow tara
  • 240630 skagt family

In solidarity,
Liz Rainaud, FBC  and WSNA local unit chair
Rachel Yates, Family Medicine and WSNA local unit treasurer
Kim McCann, FBC  and WSNA local unit membership officer
Kyla Malean , OR  and Negotiating team member
Lacey Bernick, PERI OP  and Negotiating team member

Questions or comments, contact WSNA Organizer:  
Crystal Doll   CDoll@wsna.org or at 206 334-8388,
or Nurse Representative: Sue Dunlap SDunlap@wsna.org
or any of your bargaining team members.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram - @WSNA_Skagit