
Skagit Nurses – Keep Showing Up!

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Boy, did WSNA nurses show up this morning at the District’s Board of Commissioners meeting. Not only did we show up, we filled the room and spilled out in the hallway (where 3 security guards were posted!), with more WSNA nurses and supporters participating through Zoom (somehow, the usually open “chat” feature was dismantled at some point…)! Bargaining team members Liz Rainaud and Kyla Malean and WSNA nurse Tara Sharrow spoke passionately about how Skagit must focus on its commitment to patient care and to wage equity, and both of those principles have their foundations in recruiting, retaining, and respecting Skagit nurses.

This morning, we emailed the Commissioners this letter signed by each bargaining team member. Skagit nurses, it’s time to cosign.

Use this link to add your signature to the letter to the Board of Commissioners. We want as many Skagit RNs as possible to cosign this letter at the same time as we expand actions to bring more awareness to the community we serve and in which we live.

Questions or comments, contact WSNA Organizer:  Crystal Doll   CDoll@wsna.org or at 206 334-8388, or Nurse Representative: Sue Dunlap SDunlap@wsna.org, or any of your bargaining team members.

In solidarity,
Liz Rainaud, FBC  and WSNA local unit chair
Rachel Yates, Family Medicine and WSNA local unit treasurer
Kim McCann, FBC  and WSNA local unit membership officer
Kyla Malean , OR  and Negotiating team member
Lacey Bernick, PERI OP  and Negotiating team member