
COVID-19 update

Your team is working for you!

Your WSNA team and Nurse Representative are in communication DAILY with HR and your leadership. The purpose is to address concerns and remedy issues in as close to real time as we can. For instance:

  1. We heard there was no medication at the pop-up respiratory clinics. They now have what they need to treat the urgent situations.
  2. We heard that the pop-up respiratory clinics were not able to conduct point of care testing. They have that ability now to complete rapid tests.
  3. Location of pop-up clinic not ideal. They have now been moved to a vacant medical office where they can room and treat and test in a medical office environment!

Please note – this is a NATIONAL DISASTER! This declaration gives hospitals increased ability to make decisions. We need to be in this together.

Please complete the online ADO for situations that include lack of equipment, etc.These forms come directly to your chair Liz Rainaud and Sue Dunlap, your nurse representative, who can follow up quickly. Your online intranet staffing concern forms do NOT.

Please consider volunteering to be the communication liaison between myself and the officers and your co-workers. This will help dispense the information quickly. Stay tuned for updates and contact anyone of the team or your nurse rep Sue Dunlap for ANY concerns or questions.

Most of all stay safe!

Liz Rainaud MSN, RN – Local Unit Chair:
Jessica Googe RN - Secretary
Hannah Guy BSN RN Treasurer
Kristi Perez RN CMSRN Secretary / Grievance Officer
Alice Riddle RN - Membership
Cheryl Pedersen RN – Grievance Officer
Rachel Yates RNCo-Membership

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org or 206575-7979, ext. 3005.