
Contract Negotiations

On Friday, July 16, 2021, your team meets again with leadership for a day of negotiations. We need your help:

Car signs:

Everyone who can should be posting a car sign in their window in the parking lots of your work location. If you didn’t get a car sign, please notify one of your officers or WSNA staff asap so we can get them to you. It creates an incredible visual if management sees these signs as they arrive to work. It shows complete solidarity and sends the clear message that nurses demand safe staffing to care for our community!


Please wear a button to show support for your team at the table particularly on Friday July 16 (but we encourage it everyday). Wearing a button or sticker is your RIGHT! (If anyone asks you to remove it, please notify Sue Dunlap immediately)


Please use the Facebook frame around your profile picture! And snap a picture of a car sign or you and your co-workers and post using the hashtag #SupportSkagitRNs This hashtag has been shared nationally and the eyes of the country are watching our fight for better staffing. (This is a great way to advertise your favorite local business by displaying a sign in their window and then posting snapshot with the hashtag.) http://www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=358367785713219

Staffing Concern Forms:

Continue to protect your nursing license by filling out staffing concern forms/ADO. Online can be found here. A complaint has been filed about staffing and the complaint was accepted by the Department of Health and they have officially launched their investigation. This will be the SECOND staffing infraction investigation that Skagit has incurred in the last year. https://www.wsna.org/union/ado

Stay tuned for updates after our session on Friday.

Thank you for all you do for each other and for the community that we serve. Remember to exercise some self-care in these challenging times. Your negotiation team is here for YOU!

Liz Rainaud – Chair
Cheryl Pedersen – Grievance officer
Jessica Googe – Secretary
Rachel Yates – Membership
Hannah Guy – Treasurer
DeeAnn Wolf – Team member
Lacey Bernick – Team member

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Annie Mansfield at amansfield@wsna.org.