
We are officially back at the table!

Yesterday, your WSNA bargaining team met with Management for bargaining session number one. We came prepared with proposals that were developed from:

  1. Your valuable input from the Negotiation Survey and independent feedback
  2. Outstanding items from our prior negotiations
  3. Issues that have resulted in grievances and/or arbitrations
  4. Opportunities to strengthen the contract

In addition to delivering proposals to Management, the teams engaged in meaningful discussion and planning for upcoming bargaining sessions.

Mark Your Calendars

There are 3 additional bargaining dates that have been scheduled. We return to the table (virtual and in-person) on March 26, April 11 and April 23. Please keep an eye out for important updates and let us know if you are interested in observing.

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Call to Action

  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the Employer
  • Engage & Participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your Bargaining Team and fight for a Fair Contract
  • Join the monthly virtual Lunch & Learn – Next meeting March 5 at 12:05 pm – 12:55 pm
  • Provide Input/Feedback to your Bargaining Team
  • Follow on social media platforms
  • Make sure you check out your WSNA webpage: https://www.wsna.org/union/seattle-king-county-health-dept-supervisors

In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Nicole Klein, Local Unit Chair
Christopher Salatka, Local Unit Vice-Chair
Annie Roberts, Local Unit Secretary/Treasurer
Zerai Asgedom, Local Unit Grievance Officer
Questions? Contact your Bargaining Team Members or WSNA Nurse Representative Linda Burbank lburbank@wsna.org