
Let the bargaining begin

Please take a moment to meet your bargaining team and complete your negotiation survey.

The last couple of years have been a rollercoaster when it came to issues of Public Health funding, services and the impact on nurses and other staff. Now more than ever, we need to unite to bargain for a STRONG and FAIR contract.

Your engagement is critical during these negotiations. It starts with completing your negotiation survey and staying connected. Your bargaining team is committed to keeping you informed and listening to what you have to say.

Introducing your bargaining team

  • Nicole Klein is your Local Unit Chair. She served as your Co-Chair during the last two Contract terms. She is a Supervisor at Auburn and Federal Way Public Health - Sexual and Reproductive Health (CHS). Nicole enjoys gardening and reading about ancient history. Kleinnj@comcast.net
  • Christopher Salatka is your Local Unit Vice Chair. He is a Supervisor in Jail Health Services – Maleng Regional Justice Center. Christopher enjoys long walks and runs and long bike rides. Tophersalatka@gmail.com
  • Annie Roberts is your Local Unit Secretary/Treasurer. She is a Supervisor at Downtown Public Health – Nurse Family Partnership (CHS). Annie enjoys biking, hiking and being outdoors with her family. Annieandtesfay@gmail.com
  • Zerai Asgedom is your Local Unit Grievance Officer. He is a Supervisor in Jail Health Services – King County Correctional Facility. Zerai enjoys long distance road bike riding and is a big soccer fan. ‘Go Sounders!’ Zereay2543@yahoo.com
  • Danielle Franco-Malone, Chief Negotiator and Labor Counsel representing WSNA
  • Linda Burbank, WSNA Nurse Representative

It’s survey time - We need to hear from you 

Take a minute to complete your negotiation survey below:

Benefits of completing the survey

  1. You let us know what your priorities are for bargaining a new contract for 2026 - 2027.
  2. It gives your bargaining team guidance regarding the proposals that are made at the bargaining table.
  3. It gives us a sense of what you are willing to do to fight for a STRONG and FAIR contract.
  4. Your participation helps us identify significant issues at your workplace.
  5. You make your voice heard!

Preliminary bargaining meeting

On January 28, we met with the Employer to discuss logistics for the upcoming bargaining. This meeting was intended to cover topics such as: meeting locations, preferences for meeting format (virtual, in person or both), meeting cadence, timelines, bargaining team composition, etc. No proposals were exchanged. We plan to be back at the table in late February.

Call to action

  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the employer
  • Engage and participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your bargaining team and fight for a fair contract
  • Join the monthly virtual Lunch & Learn – Next meeting February 5 at 12:05– 12:55 pm
  • Provide input/feedback to your bargaining team
  • Follow on social media platforms

In solidarity,
Nicole Klein, Local Unit Chair
Christopher Salatka, Vice Chair
Annie Roberts, Secretary/Treasurer
Zerai Asgedom, Grievance Officer
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your Local Unit Officers or WSNA Nurse Representative, Linda Burbank, at lburbank@wsna.org or via telephone at (206) 575-7979 ext. 3131.