
Happy Nurses Week

Thank you all for your commitment to nursing and the communities we serve! In an effort to celebrate you, we entered the names of all WSNA Members in good standing in a drawing for a $50 gift card. The following 10 names were pulled:

  1. Kim Vuong
  2. Genevieve Gonzales
  3. Susan Densmore
  4. Annette Gibbs
  5. Behauden Omer
  6. Donnabel Maier
  7. Alyssa Lund
  8. Amy Curtis
  9. Sean Dumas
  10. Christopher Salatka

We will be reaching out to each of the winners. Congratulations!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Local Unit Co-Chairs, Sean Dumas at eastpasco1985@gmail.com, or Nicole Klein at kleinnj@comcast.net.