
Don't forget to vote

On Dec. 15, 2020 we reached an overall Tenta­tive Agree­ment with King County. It is now time to vote. In following the recom­mended guide­lines and in setting a good example for keeping ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone else safe, this contract vote will be via mail.

All members should have received ballots and contract summary in the mail by now. Ballots must be returned to WSNA by 3pm on Jan. 28. We recommend that you mail them no later than Jan. 25.

Your contract bargaining team recom­mends a YES vote. But you cannot vote unless two things occur:

  1. You must be a member. If you are not a member, or if you did not receive your ballot, contact our WSNA Nurse Repre­sen­ta­tive Sydne James, sjames@wsna.org.
  2. WSNA must have your current mailing address. If you are not sure that WSNA has your current mailing address, contact the member­ship depart­ment at membership@wsna.org.

In Solidarity,
Your WSNA RN Negoti­ating Team: Sean Dumas, RN, Chair; Lois Schipper, RN, Vice Chair; Amy Curtis, RN

Not a member of WSNA? Join today! Click here to find out how to join. Do it today and WSNA will mail you a ballot straight away so you get your ballot in time to vote on this contract TA.