Negotiation update #5
Posted Jan 17, 2020

We met with the county for our fifth negotiation session on Jan. 16, 2020. We reached agreement on several articles including improvements to the grievance procedure. Due to the county’s insistence on rewriting the contract, we have a lot of work left to do. Our next session is Jan. 30, 2020.
We are pleased to announce that we also reached an agreement that requires the county to compensate the WSNA bargaining team that ensures our team’s availability to bargain. This change came about due to IRS regulations that prohibit our members from donating vacation leave as you so generously have in the past. If you have already donated, those requests will not be processed. We do thank all of you for your generosity and continuing support.
Brenda Balogh has left KCCF and we have been actively been seeking her replacement. We are excited to announce that Carolyn Clark, RN from KCCF will be joining the negotiating team. She will be with us at the table on Jan. 30 for our next session with management. We are continuing our search for a new grievance officer/s. We thank all of you who have come forward and expressed a desire to serve.
We want to thank Brenda Balogh for the fabulous work she has done on our behalf over many years. We will truly miss her and wish her well.
In solidarity from your negotiating team,
Paul Kunkel
Tami Nesler
Jane Storrs
Melissa Fukunaga