
Change to FLSA work week

It has recently come to our attention that the work week definition in Article 13.2.1 of our contract was never implemented in Community Health Services (CHS) or Prevention. Currently your work week is not the standard King County work week, Saturday-Friday. Your work week is Sunday-Saturday.

Since the CHS rebid, public health nurses (PHNs) may now be required to start working on Saturdays. If the non-standard work week were to remain, these PHNs would never be able to get two days off in a row during the weeks they work Saturdays. Changing them to the standard county work week will allow the PHNs to have greater flexibility in their work-life balance.

Because the contract language already exists, we have agreed to allow the county to implement the standard work week for the nurses in CHS and Prevention. If you do not currently work Saturdays this will have no adverse impact.

Jail Health will convert work weeks to the standard work week when the next pattern rebid takes place. There is no immediate plan to conduct a rebid at this time.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Interim WSNA Nurse Rep, Hanna Welander at hwelander@wsna.org, (206) 575-7979, Ext. 3035.