
Your voice matters – Join our virtual negotiation prep sessions!

Dear SCH Nurses,

As we gear up for our next WSNA contract negotiations, we want to ensure that every nurse’s voice is heard. Your insights and experiences are vital in shaping priorities that will guide us in advocating for a strong and fair contract.

To gather your input, the officer team is hosting two full days of virtual sessions designed to hear directly from nurses across the hospital and regional sites. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts, pain points, and priorities with the bargaining unit. We want to hear what is happening and how it is impacting you.


  • Dates: Saturday and Sunday, January 25 and 26 (see meeting links and information in previous post)
  • Schedule: Link to Full Schedule

  • Flexibility: Attend your unit/location's session, or any session that works best for you.

This is a critical time for our union, and your participation will ensure we head into negotiations unified and informed. Your perspective makes a difference. Whether it’s workplace concerns, compensation, staffing, or other issues, we want to hear about it!

Let’s stand together and make our voices heard!

Join us and help shape the future of our nursing team.

In solidarity,
Your Local Unit Officers
WSNA at Seattle Children's Hospital

P.S. - Please take a moment to complete your 2025 Negotiations Survey.