
Please take the scheduling survey

We have heard from several of you about the concerns with scheduling. These include issues of self-scheduling, holiday scheduling, weekends, being on-call, signing up in Kronos, IRC, central schedulers (MSA) that are effective March 2025.

As you may be aware there was a demand to bargain with SHMC. The team that was put together worked diligently on an MOU. Upon presenting the proposed MOU the lawyer informed the team that SHMC had no obligation to bargain. They rejected the MOU and the Demand to Bargain. Wages, Hours, and Working Conditions are subjects to bargaining.

I would appreciate if you include your name and contact information when responding to the survey. This information will not be shared with anyone other than Kitt Ruchert, WSNA Nurse Representative. It would make clarification of issues easier if provided.

This survey will be available until February 21, 2025. Please contact Kitt Ruchert, WSNA Nurse Representative, at kruchert@wsna.org.