
Contract Negotiations Day 1

On July 25, 2024, our contract negotiation team met with PeaceHealth St. John administration for our first day of in person negotiations. We gave management much of our opening proposal, including proposals that address priorities you stated in the contract negotiation survey. That includes proposals such as no patient assignments for charge nurses, along with wages and differentials that would keep our members competitive with the Portland market.

PeaceHealth management had no proposals for us today.

Don’t forget to wear your WSNA gear on negotiation days and Fridays to show your support for a fair contract!

Our next bargaining session is July 31, with sessions on August 12 and August 16 to follow. We may ask WSNA members to come and observe negotiations soon! Stay tuned!

Stay up to date on contract negotiations by following @wsna_stjn on Instagram! We will be posting unique content there. Visit www.wsna.org/union/peacehealth-st-johns-medical-center for the latest updates as well.

Be an activist. Contact our Organizer Sammy Scholl for more ways to be involved. Cell: 425-606-7036, sscholl@wsna.org.

Contact membership@wsna.org if you are not getting emails from WSNA. Also, please remember to check your junk mail!

In Solidarity,
WSNA Co-Chair Kathy Arnesen, Surgical; WSNA Co-Chair Elena Brent, Quality Coordination; Secretary/Treasurer Karla Fowler, ICU; Grievance Officer Sharla Hixon, Cath Lab; Grievance Officer Jennifer Buckhalter, Outpatient Oncology; Jon Olson, ED; Samantha Tow, PACU; Lindsay Green, Medical Unit; Christina Jurado, Cardiology

Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.