
Wear your WSNA shirts! Contract negotiations start TOMORROW!

Please wear your WSNA shirt at work on negotiation days and on Fridays to show your support for a fair contract! Wearing your WSNA gear is a protected union activity, so you won’t get in trouble for wearing it at work. It is important that you participate in union activities such as this during negotiations, if we are going to win a contract that meets your needs and gets the WSNA nurses at St. John to market competitive wages! If you notice other WSNA nurses not wearing a shirt, give them a gentle reminder that we need them to stand with us!

T-shirts have been distributed, so there will be no T-shirts given away in Conference Room C today! Contact WSNA Co-Chair Kathy Arnesen at Karnesenwsna@gmail.com if you need a FREE WSNA shirt!

Stay up to date on contract negotiations by following @wsna_stjn on Instagram or by visiting www.wsna.org/union/peacehealth-st-johns-medical-center. If you have moved in the last 3 years, changed your phone number or have updated your email address, please email membership@wsna.org with the best contact information, so you don’t miss out!

In solidarity,
WSNA Co-Chair Kathy Arnesen

Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions.