
WSNA Coffee Chat this Friday!

Your WSNA Nurse Representative, organizers and Local Unit Leaders will be available to talk about anything going on within your work environment this Friday. Every RN who shows up will receive a drink of their choice, compliments of your Local Unit Officers. Show up and bring a coworker with you - even if they're not a WSNA member, all RNs are welcome to attend!

Date: Friday, July 12
Time: 11:00-3:00
Location: Starbucks in the Lobby

Questions/Comments, contact:

Your Good Samaritan Officers,
Ilia Mondoy, Raeli Korzeniecki, Mindy Thornton, Aaron Bradley, Anne Landen, Atalia Lapkin

WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte GLamonte@wsna.org
WSNA Nurse Rep Janet Stewart Jstewart@wsna.org