
Negotiations Day 11 - Tomorrow April 12

Let’s keep our union spirit strong as we head into our bargaining session tomorrow! We need your support as we tackle the tough issues of Safe Staffing Ratios and Breaks. Wear your WSNA Blue, buttons and stickers.

Future sessions are scheduled for April 17 and April 24. If you’re interested in observing, contact Grace glamonte@wsna.org or 206-553-9794.

Keep those picket pledges coming!

Picket pledges are coming in from all departments. Remember that we do not have a date set for the picket yet – signing the pledge just means that if you are able to make it on the day of the picket, you will! Picket pledge signatures are confidential and are not shared with management. If you signed a pledge, check with five coworkers to make sure they signed their pledge too!

Follow us on social media!

Send in your pics to our Instagram @GSHnurses! Follow our Facebook page Good Samaritan Nurses. If you aren’t yet in the private FB group for RNs, ask your unit rep or a bargaining team member to add you.

In solidarity, your bargaining team:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham

If you’d like to observe bargaining; need more picket pledges; need T-Shirts; want to know how you can get more involved with your Union, contact Organizer Grace Lamonte GLamonte@wsna.org.

Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative jstewart@wsna.org.