Mares Bargaining Day 15 - June 21, 2024
Posted Jul 1, 2024

The team met on June 21 for our 15th bargaining session. We continue to engage with the employer with discussions on how nurses move up the wage scale as they gain experience step increases occur. In most contracts, each nurse who works a minimum number of hours gets two increases per year: a moderate raise when on their individual hiring anniversary date and a more significant bargaining-unit-wide raise on the contract’s anniversary date each year. What we do not want to see is a rule that forces nurses to wait another year simply because they have not reached the hours minimum for the year – for example, because they took paid medical leave or family leave that year. Among the other topics we discussed were an hourly bilingual premium, Workplace Violence, Conference and Nurse Practice committees, report pay, float premium, weekend work, and shift start and stop times. We also reached tentative agreements on education, holidays and orientation.
Finally, the bargaining team marked a milestone: our “to-do” list of remaining topics to negotiate is now shorter than the list of topics where we’ve reached a tentative agreement! We hope a tentative agreement on the full contract isn’t far behind.
What’s Next?
We’re still working through management’s proposals for retirement, shift start times, weekend work, and whether nurses from Mares could pick up work at Central. We need your input so we can ensure our counterproposals represent your interests. To weigh in on any of those topics, get in touch with a bargaining team member or email your WSNA nurse representative today!
Next Bargaining Days July 22 and JULY 30
How to support your bargaining team
- On bargaining days- wear your WSNA T shirt, button or sticker to show you stand with your team. Take a picture with your coworkers and send it to a member of the bargaining team or Organizer Jenny Galassi, 206-707-2948
- Union Membership- Join WSNA today. When you become a member, it shows management that nurses are paying attention.
- Attending a bargaining session as an observer. Upcoming dates are July 22 and July 30.
- Join our closed Facebook group for updates and ask questions.
WSNA- Confluence Health Mares RNs.
Remember: You do not pay dues until all of the members vote in a contract
Virtual sip and chat July 25
Your bargaining team invites you to a virtual sip and chat. Get updated on contract negotiations and ask questions. There is a lot to talk about and we want to hear from you!
Thursday, July 25
7-8:30 pm
Click on the link button below to join (we recommend downloading the Teams app) or dial in to an audio-only call using this number.
Dial in by phone
+1 206-485-2614,,367279876# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0615,,367279876# United States (Toll-free)
Phone conference ID: 367 279 876#
Meeting ID: 299 619 177 7621
Passcode: DgvG4L
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining team
Chris Gallup, OR, Co-Chair
Marshall Snoddy, OR, Co-Chair
Megan Baute, GI, Secretary
Caitlin Orange, GI, Treasurer
Mateo Maestas, OR, Grievance Officer
Rochelle Mason, ED, Membership Officer
Waikele Frantz, Rehab/ Medsurg, Unit Liaison
Questions/Concerns Contact Laurie Robinson, WSNA Nurse Representative, 206-620-4136,
For more information on how you can get involved contact Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer, 206-707-2948,