


Chris Gallup



Marshall Snoddy



Megan Baute



Caitlin Orange


Grievance Officer

Mateo Maestas


Membership Officer

Rochelle Mason

WSNA staff contact

Latest update

Moment of Truth: What Will You Do to Get to a First Contract?

Over the past year of negotiations, Confluence has made one thing abundantly clear: they’re comfortable. They’re comfortable wasting our bargaining team’s time at the table, denying us the same benefits they pay Central’s nurses, and taking their sweet time considering our proposals while we fight for our first contract.

Every day we go without a first contract is another day nurses’ needs aren’t being met. We’re waiting for benefits like just cause protections, proper credit for our previous experience, guaranteed annual increases, and retirement benefits, and we’re not comfortable waiting anymore.

Nurses aren’t comfortable. Management shouldn’t be either. Help us tell them.

We need your help to make management understand how nurses feel about the things management is rejecting at the table. Here’s how:

  1. Pick a Confluence manager – it can be your direct supervisor, a department director, or your CNO.
  2. Draft an email with this template:
    “Dear _________,
    I am emailing as a member of the WSNA bargaining unit at Confluence Mares on behalf of my fellow nurses. When I learned management had rejected our bargaining team’s proposals about ___________, it made me feel _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. My coworkers and I have been bargaining for over a year for a contract. Enough is enough. We urge you to reach a deal that fairly compensates Confluence Mares’ nurses.
  3. Send the email to your manager using your personal email address. We recommend copying your WSNA Nurse Rep., Laurie Robinson, at lrobinson@wsna.org, or forward your email to her after you send it.

Here are some examples of the proposals management has rejected:

  • Applying the Central bargaining unit’s retirement contribution matching rates to Mares’ bargaining unit.
  • Giving us at least 60 days’ notice before any planned change to our start times so we have enough time to bargain over that decision.
  • A ratification bonus that compensates nurses for the time we’ve spent waiting for a deal.
  • A commitment to allowing at least two nurses in each unit take PTO at the same time, which is already part of Central’s contract.
  • A contract term that expires in three years, not two; we’ll be back at the table in eighteen months if we accept their proposal!
  • Recognizing that RN Residents are part of our bargaining unit and can join the union as members
  • Union security language that would strengthen our bargaining unit in the years to come
  • Clear definitions for terms like “regular rate of pay” so we know exactly how much we should earn each paycheck

This is the moment of truth for our bargaining unit.

If you were waiting to get involved in the campaign for our first contract, this is the time. Confluence Mares’ nurses are tired of waiting for a fair contract that respects our vital role in Wenatchee. We’ve made that clear at the table, but we need everyone to pitch in to make sure management doesn’t forget when they’re on the hospital floor.

Caitlin Mares
Bargaining team members: Caitlin Orange, GI RN Megan Baute, GI RN, Marshall Snoddy, OR RN, Chris Gallup, OR RNFA

All hands-on deck!

Observers have been a vital member of our bargaining team since early on. We’ve seen the difference in how management responds to our proposals when they realize observers are in the room. If you have joined us before you know what’s it’s like to be there. The bargaining team has been there for 24 sessions over twelve months. They need you to know the nurses at Mares are with them as they attempt to cross the finish and stand up for the last issues important to you.

Megan Baute, GI nurse and Local unit Secretary says, “Your bargaining team has spent endless hours at the negotiation table and beyond working for YOU! We are asking that you please help us. Don’t let the chance to get what we deserve pass us by; stand NEXT to us and FIGHT with us! Send your letter to management today and ask any nurses who aren’t scheduled to work on Thursday to join us at the table.”

If you are not working Thursday, come stand with the team in the afternoon, from 2-4pm. Kids welcome. Snacks and drinks provided. Wear your WSNA blue T-shirt and festive holiday wear if you like!

When: 12/19/24
Where: Confluence Health Campbell Building, 609 Highline Dr, East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Time: 2-4 pm or arrive by 10am if you would like to stay for the day.

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Join WSNA today as a voting member!

Have you thought about becoming a WSNA member but wanted to wait and see what we reach in our tentative agreement? We are stronger at the bargaining table with every nurse at Mares Campus standing in unity. Joining is easy. Click below using our online membership application. It only takes a few minutes, and our collective voice is louder!

Union strong nurse

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining team
Chris Gallup, OR, Co-Chair
Marshall Snoddy, OR, Co-Chair
Megan Baute, GI, Secretary
Caitlin Orange, GI, Treasurer
Mateo Maestas, OR, Grievance Officer
Rochelle Mason, ED, Membership Officer
Waikele Frantz, Rehab/ Medsurg, Unit Liaison

Questions/Concerns? Contact Laurie Robinson, WSNA Nurse Representative, 206-620-4136,  lrobinson@wsna.org.

For more information on how you can get involved contact Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer, 206-707-2948, jgalassi@wsna.org.

WSNA union news

Resources and tools

Document unsafe conditions

If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditions for patients or for you, you should complete a Staffing Complaint / ADO Form as soon as possible.

By completing the form, you will help make the problem known to management, creating an opportunity for the problem to be addressed. Additionally, you will be documenting the facts, which may be helpful to you later if there is a negative outcome.

WSNA also uses your ADO forms to track the problems occurring in your facility. When you and your coworkers take the important step of filling out an ADO form, you are helping to identify whether there is a pattern of unsafe conditions for you or your patients at your facilities. This information is used by your conference committee, staffing committee, and WSNA labor staff to improve your working conditions.

Learn more

Representation rights

As a union member, you have the right to have a representative present in any meetings with management that could potentially lead to disciplinary action against you.

If called into a meeting with management, read the following to management when the meeting begins:

If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, I respectfully request that my union representative be present at this meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to participate in this discussion.

Find out more about this crucial right and how to exercise it to ensure your fair treatment and protection.

Learn more

Continuing education offerings

Enhance your professional competency with WSNA's free online courses.

Earn CNE contact hours through topics like Cultural Humility, Telehealth Assessment, Workplace Violence Prevention, and more. Convenient and self-paced, our courses provide practical knowledge for your daily work. Expand your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest nursing practices.

Visit cne.wsna.org