Bargaining session # 13 and #14 update
Posted Jun 13, 2024
We returned to the table Monday for our 13th session and Wednesday for our 14th session with Management. We had observers from several units join us as well as Central’s WSNA Local unit officers, Stephanie Gates and Simon Morton.
These two sessions have been a turning point in achieving both productive conversations with the employer as well as tentative agreements reached on numerous articles.
We want to share the specifics of the most recent bargaining sessions at our virtual Sip and Chat this evening and answer your questions about where things stand. See below for more details on how to join us online at 7 pm tonight.
The next bargaining session is June 21, 2024. Let us know if you would like to attend!

Virtual sip and chat Thursday
Your bargaining team invites you to a Virtual sip and chat this Thursday evening. Get updated on contract negotiations and ask questions. There is a lot to talk about and we want to hear from you!
Thursday, June 13
7-8:30 pm
Click on the link button below to join (we recommend downloading the Teams app) or dial in to an audio-only call using this number.
Dial in by phone
+1 206-485-2614,,876626019# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0615,,876626019# United States (Toll-free)
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 876 626 019#
Meeting ID: 213 975 585 092
Passcode: pMzq8x
Our first bargaining session with Confluence was Dec. 5. We have now been in negotiations for over six months. Your team continues to show up and volunteer their unpaid time to speak up for the nurses at Mares and your community. Next time you see one of the bargaining team members consider thanking them for their time and ask how you can help.
How to support your bargaining team
- On bargaining days- wear your WSNA T shirt, button or sticker to show you stand with your team. Take a picture with your coworkers and send it to Organizer Jenny Galassi, 206-707-2948.
- Union Membership- Join WSNA today. When you become a member it shows management that nurses are paying attention.
- Attending a bargaining session as an observer.
- Join our closed Facebook group for updates and ask questions.
WSNA- Confluence Health Mares RNs.

In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining team
Chris Gallup, OR, Co-Chair
Marshall Snoddy, OR, Co-Chair
Megan Baute, GI, Secretary
Caitlin Orange, GI, Treasurer
Mateo Maestas, OR, Grievance Officer
Rochelle Mason, ED, Membership Officer
Waikele Frantz, Rehab/ Medsurg, Unit Liaison
Questions/Concerns Contact Laurie Robinson, WSNA Nurse Representative, 206-620-4136,
For more information on how you can get involved contact Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer, 206-707-2948,