Nominations now open for WSNA office
Step up into a leadership role and help shape the future of WSNA
November 14, 2024 • less than 1 minute to read

WSNA’s strategic direction, policy positions, and program priorities are shaped by WSNA members elected and appointed to serve on several statewide bodies.
WSNA members elected to serve as representatives to the American Nurses Association Membership Assembly and delegates to the AFT National Convention help shape national policy and elect national affiliate leadership.
If you are ready to advance WSNA’s work in advocating for Washington’s nurses, you can nominate yourself or a colleague for a WSNA elected office. Terms are for two years. We are looking for candidates for July 2025-July 2027. The first deadline for submission is Jan. 15, 2025.
Running for office grows your leadership skills and puts you in touch with other committed nurses from around the state. Nominations are now open for all positions described in the following link.