
WSNA is seeking new executive director

WSNA is seeking an execu­tive director to take over leader­ship of the organi­za­tion after Execu­tive Director Sally Watkins retires in the fall. Watkins announced her upcoming retire­ment in November 2020, with the inten­tion of supporting the transi­tion of the new execu­tive director and retiring by October 2021.


WSNA is seeking an execu­tive director to take over leader­ship of the organi­za­tion after Execu­tive Director Sally Watkins retires in the fall. Watkins announced her upcoming retire­ment in November 2020, with the inten­tion of supporting the transi­tion of the new execu­tive director and retiring by October 2021.

Recruitment is now underway for the new executive director. To be considered for the position, all applicants must have a current regis­tered nurse license, as well as a master’s degree. Candidates who have at least three years’ experi­ence at the execu­tive manage­ment level of a complex organi­za­tion related to nursing service, educa­tion, profes­sional associ­a­tion, union or other health care entity are preferred. Exten­sive knowl­edge of contem­po­rary issues in nursing, health care, union admin­is­tra­tion, and profes­sional associ­a­tion opera­tions and manage­ment is neces­sary. Candidates must also be able to work effec­tively with an eleven-member board of direc­tors and other gover­nance struc­tures in a large organization with more than 16,000 members.

The execu­tive director leads all association opera­tions, including hiring and overseeing a staff of more than 55. He/she/they also leads WSNA’s work in strategic planning, public policy, advocacy, patient and nurse safety, and in advancing collec­tive bargaining and profes­sional devel­op­ment for regis­tered nurses. Excel­lent inter­per­sonal, fiscal and leader­ship skills a must.

To learn more about the position, visit our Jobs page. To apply, please submit a resume and contact infor­ma­tion for three refer­ences by March 4, 2021, to edsearch@wsna.org.

The Washington State Nurses Associ­a­tion provides repre­sen­ta­tion, resources and educa­tion that allow nurses to reach our full profes­sional poten­tial and focus on caring for patients and our communities.