
WSNA’s position on influenza vaccinations & prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic

WSNA strongly recom­mends that all nurses and other health care providers be vacci­nated against all influenza viruses as a key component of a comprehensive influenza prevention program.

Flu statement

WSNA is committed to advocating for the health of nurses, patients and the commu­ni­ties they serve. Because of this commit­ment, WSNA strongly recom­mends that all nurses and other health care providers be vacci­nated against all influenza viruses as a key component of a comprehensive influenza prevention program. WSNA recognizes the enhanced importance of the influenza vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic. WSNA’s strongest recommendation is that all nurses, health care workers, and the general public elect to receive the flu shot this year.

WSNA strongly supports and urges volun­tary efforts that aim for 100 percent vacci­na­tion rates, including annual educa­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of compre­hen­sive influenza vacci­na­tion programs for all health care workers. WSNA is committed to educating our members and the public through a variety of mechanisms.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, current universal masking policies in health care facilities may help contain the spread of influenza. It is critical that all health care workers are provided adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used according to manufacturer’s instructions to prevent transmission of coronavirus and influenza.

WSNA supports enforce­ment of existing federal and state regula­tions to ensure that all employers meet the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Occupa­tional Health and Safety Admin­is­tra­tion (OSHA) require­ments for influenza prevention.